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Jason's POV

A year. 365 days without her.

The pressure on my chest was making it hard to breathe. I looked to my right and then to my left before crossing the street and walked towards the hotel that I had made accommodations at. Since the plane had landed my heart had been beating erratically. I was nervous about seeing her again.

Perhaps that was because this was rather spontaneous of me to do. The last time we spoke was 365 days ago and we hadn't arranged how or where we were going to meet. A part of me was scared that she didn't even want to meet. But, I knew that I had to do something.

Brett and I had remained in contact with one another over the year. He had told me a little bit about what Miley had been doing. Her moving to London was a bit of a shock but after everything that had happened, I wasn't that surprised. A lot had changed during our time together and while we were apart. I knew one thing that didn't change, and that was my love for her.

I had originally thought that our time apart was going to show me that I didn't need or want Miley as much as I thought I did. I busied myself with work in an attempt to forget, or distance myself, but after everything, I still cared deeply for her. I love her, and nothing was ever going to change that.

After a while of pacing my hotel room, I decided to take a shower and get ready to go see her. I didn't know exactly what to do...should I call her? Or just show up at her door? I was leaning to the later.

I quickly got dressed and headed towards the address that Brett had to text me. My nerves were a mess and I was shaking. What if she had moved on? What if she didn't want to see me?

My thoughts came to a halt as I stood before the gate at the end of her driveway. I took a deep breath and held the pink peonies in my hand tighter as I clicked the buzzer to notify her that someone was at the gate. After standing in the quiet the gate opened in front of me.

I ran my hand through my hair as I slowly began to walk up to her driveway. My stomach was starting to feel achy as my hands began to shake. I stood in front of her front door and took another deep breath.

The what-ifs danced in my mind and fear was starting to consume my whole body...perhaps this was a bad idea. Before I could linger on that thought the front door opened.

Instantly our eyes connected but it wasn't Miley...

"You aren't the pizza dude," a young blonde said giving me an odd expression. We starred at each other for a few moments before she looked me up and down. When her eyes landed on the flowers, she gasped.

"Oh my god," she said as she smacked her hand over her mouth.

I stood there starring back at the strange women. Why did it seem like she knew exactly who I was?

"Meg, what the fuck is going on? I'm starving!" A woman said standing in the doorway. I looked between the two women waiting for someone to say something.

"You must be Jason," the girl in the doorway said giving me a pointed look.

"And you are?" I asked in the same tone. I didn't know who they were and they were starting to annoy me. Where the hell was Miley?

"Miley!" Meg said running back into the house.

A car pulled up behind me and I watched at, who I am assuming is, the pizza guy got out carrying two boxes of pizza.

"Finally," the woman who still remained outside said as she handed the guy cash and turned on her heel to walk back into the house.

"Well?" She snapped turning around giving me another pointed look.

"Okay then," I said following her into the house. I shut the door behind me and stood awkwardly in the hallway. I had no idea where the other women had walked off.

I heard hush whispering and decided to follow the sound further into the house.

"Jason," Miley said in shock as she looked at me.

Our eyes locked and everything that I ever felt for her came washing over me once again. We starred at each other for a few moments before I took a few steps towards her.

Her expression was slightly off-putting. It was as if she didn't expect to see me. I frowned at the thought before my eyes roamed over her body.

Nothing much seemed to change other than the fact that her hair was longer and darker than it was before and her body looked slightly fuller. I licked my lips as I tried to push the dirty thoughts out of my head.

"Miley," I said after a few more minutes of silence.

"I didn't expect you to show up," she said biting her bottom lip.

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked slightly taken back.

After all this time, she still doubted how I felt about her?

"I haven't heard from you," she said taking a few steps towards me.

"We planned on a year," I said confused.

"That would have been yesterday," she said crossing her arms. "You're a day late," she frowned.

"No, that's today," I said shaking my head. "I put a countdown on my phone..." I said opening my countdown app and showing it to her. "I started it right after our conversation."

"I...I thought it was yesterday," she said shaking her head.

"Wait, so you really thought that I wasn't going to show up?" I asked almost offended but more shocked that she thought I didn't want her.

"I don't know," she sighed.

At this point, Meg and the other girl had left the room and it was just the two of us standing in her kitchen.

"Miley," I said taking a step forward. "I was going to call but I thought that this was better done in person," I said looking deep into her eyes.

I could sense that she was nervous.

"I was going to call you, but I...," she said looking away from me.

"You wanted me to reach out first?" I asked taking another step closer towards her.

"I guess," She said releasing a soft sign. "I'm sorry that I got the days mixed up. It's just been so long, and I've been getting anxious thinking that you might have moved on or something." She said looking back at me with a soft expression.

"Never," I said giving the flowers to her.

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