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Miley's p.o.v

"Hey, come in," I said opening the door for Jason. He didn't look at me and he didn't look thrilled to be here either.

I was honestly surprised that he had even shown up in the first place. I wasn't surprised that he was upset with me, I expected that. I wanted that. Him being upset confirmed my thoughts on him caring for me.

"Thanks for coming over. I really appreciate it." I said walking into the living room with Jason following behind me.

"I didn't have much of a choice." He said in an annoyed tone. 

Maybe I didn't want him to be angry with me.

"Yeah, I just really need to talk to you." I sighed sitting on the couch. I placed my hands in my lap and fiddled with my do I even start this conversation?

"About what?" He asked.

I had made the decision to not want to look into his past. I didn't need to know and if he wanted to tell me, he could tell me himself.

"Well, I just want to know whether or not you still wanted to be my bodyguard. I need to start building my own team and I need people I can trust. Despite everything, I do trust you. And I would like to have you on my team. Obviously, it's your choice. But now you know my cards." I said. He wouldn't look at me. My heart sank deeper within me.

His anger..his pain was hard to watch especially knowing that it was my fault. I did it on purpose even though I knew that it was wrong.

"I guess I have some stuff to think about." He said running his fingers through his hair. He still hadn't dared to look at me.

"I saw your everything okay?" I asked moving closer towards him.

He sighed and shook his head. "It's none of your business." He said standing to his feet.

Pain ignited within me. He was right, it was none of my business.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked standing to my feet. I already knew that answer but I needed to hear it.

"Of course not." He said with a laugh. It sounded off, he sounded off.

He was angry. 

"What the fuck is bothering you?" I pushed. I was becoming more and more agitated.

I don't know why it mattered. I knew that this was because of Patrick. A large part of me wanted him to admit it out loud. I wanted to know how much he cared...did he have feelings for me? I already knew that I did even though I had tried so hard to fight them.

"I can't do this job anymore." He said shaking his head.

No. Please no. I can't lose him. He is all I have at this point.

"Why?" I asked. Did I really want to know the answer to that? No, I didn't, but I also didn't want to lose him.

"Because." He sighed. "I don't have a clear head. I just can't do this. I can't work for you." He said still avoiding looking at me. "I am sure that you can find someone else." 

His back was facing me and I could see how tense he was. Perhaps I had pushed him too far.

"Jason, I want you," I said in a soft voice. I wanted him. But, not just as a something more.

"I can't." he said walking out of the living room. A few seconds later I heard the front door slam close.

Why? I should have never hooked up with Patrick. This is my fault. My stomach started hurting and I felt sick. 

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