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Miley's POV

Jason sat awkwardly across from me on the private jet. I couldn't help but stare at him. I was aw-struck, I think. Hot. His tattoos scattered his arms and for some reason, I was turned on by it.

Jason was always silent unless he had a question. I didn't like the silence between us but I would never say anything to him about it. Half the time I felt as if he could read my mind, the other half I felt like his eyes never looked anywhere but at me.

It had been a few weeks since my parents had hired him and he still had yet to speak of anything but his job duties. I still barely knew anything about him. It was driving me crazy.

The plane began to take off and I was suddenly happy that I was getting out of here and getting away from my parents. We were now flying to a secret location to film for a week and I was actually excited to get away even if I had the babysitter with me. I'm just glad my parents aren't coming. 

There was so much that I wanted to do and they seemed to always hold me back. I just have to stay clean for a few more weeks and then I get all of my assets back and I can move as far away from them as possible. I'm 23 for fuck's sake but they seem to think that I am still a child. I fucking hate them.

When I am around Jason, I am afraid to even talk to him because he is working for my father and I know he checks in with him every week. That scared the fuck out of me. I don't trust my parents. I don't trust them at all. Once this little charade with my parents is over I did want to hire Jason to work for me. Mostly because he is nice to look at.

I saw that my phone was lighting up. It was my lawyer.

"Hello," I said answering the phone.

"Miley! It is so good to talk to you!" Richard said. He was always cheery when he spoke even if it was bad news. He seemed to always have a way to be hopeful in any situation,

"I suppose you have good news?" I asked with my fingers crossed. I was really hoping for some good news right about now.

"Yes! I just got you a court date for when you come back from filming. I won't be telling your parents quite yet because I want to make sure we have a jump start on things." He explained.

"This is good," I said. I am honestly surprised.

"I just need you to be on your best behavior." He said clearing his throat. "I don't think it will be much of a problem. When you come back we will run a drug test to make sure that you have stayed clean." He explained the same details I was already aware of.

"That shouldn't be a problem," I said with confidence.

"I know, just let me know if you need anything." He seemed excited for me. "Is it true that you have a new bodyguard?" He asked.

"Yes, my parents arranged that," I said clearing my throat. "Made him sign an NDA," I said with a sharp breath. 

"Well, I hope you can trust him. Just be careful and remember your parents hired him." He warned and I know he is right. "See if you can get a copy of the NDA and send it over to me."

"I think I can trust him," I sighed in hopes that I honestly could trust him. "I'll see if I can get my hands on it," I said nodding my head.

"Maybe you should tell him what's at stake here." Richard wandered. "Of course, that's up to you. Just let me know what happens." He said after clearing his throat.

"Okay, thank you," I said before hanging the phone up after we said our goodbyes.

"Is everything okay?" Jason asked. I had almost forgotten that he was here, sitting right in front of me. 

"Yeah," I sighed and looked away from him. He seemed like a walking lie detector test.

Could I trust him? Could I tell him the truth? I want to trust him but I'm also scared.

"Are you sure?" He asked looking at me closer. He was easily able to read me and it was rather frustrating.

"Can I trust you?" I asked looking up at him. I watched as his eyes connected with mine. 

"Yes," he nodded. Strangely, I believe him.

"If my parents, or anyone, find out about what I'm about to tell you, I will make sure that you get fired or worse," I said crossing my legs. He didn't seem alarmed by my statement which only pushed me to trust him more.

"Okay?" He seemed confused at what I was getting at. 

He looked cute when he was confused.

"You want to keep this job, correct?" I asked looking deep into his eyes. I took a sharp breath as I prepared myself for what I was about to tell him.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I already told you that you are still my boss." He said.

"My parents took over all my assets about a year ago because they told the court I was unfit to take care of myself." I began taking a shaky breath. "I had gotten into a bad crowd. Mostly because of my ex. He had introduced me to a ton of shit that wasn't good for me. He cheated on me and I dumped him." I shook my head afraid to even look at Jason. 

I was ashamed and humiliated just talking about it. I mean, what did his cheating say about me? Was I unable to satisfy a man? To this day, the thought haunts me.

"My parents blamed me for the break up because they loved him so much, and still do." I paused. "After we broke up, I got lost in a bunch of shit that wasn't good for me. I ended up OD-ing on some crazy shit and I almost died. My parents had been trying to find a way to get a hold of my assets for a longs time so this was enough to take to court." I laughed. "And, of course, they won."

"That's fucked up." Jason said. 

He seemed angry, angry for me. It was strange to find someone expressing such feelings for me. I couldn't help but wonder why he cared.

"I know," I sighed. "I went to rehab and they took everything from me. The court told me once I was clean for a certain amount of time they would give my assets back. I just got a call from my lawyer and it looks like I have a court date set up." I sighed.

I was sort of relieved but I still felt uneasy. Trusting people was hard for me to do. Though, Jason was clearly different.

"That's good news?" Jason questioned.

"Yeah, it's great news. They haven't informed my parents yet but when they find out I'm sure they will try to fuck everything up." I said leaning forward. "They always loved making me look like the bad guy." I rolled my eyes.

"I know it seems like they are great but they aren't. They just want my money." I sighed. "I don't trust them at all. I am sure they will attempt something and I don't know what it will be." I watched as Jason took in my words. He nodding slowly in understanding. 

"What do you need me to do?" He asked leaving me shocked. 

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