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Miley's POV

"Is everything okay?" Sara asked giving me a strange glance after a few awkward moments had passed.

I knew that she was referring to Jason's behavior and I didn't really care. I had a good day but Jason was ruining it by acting like an ass.

"Yeah," I said with a shrug.

I honestly didn't want to talk about it.

"You like him, a lot," Sara stated leaning forward and giving me a strange look.

"What?" I asked setting my phone down next to me and giving her my full attention.

"I can tell," she said giving me a soft smile. "I saw you with Liam and Patrick and your other flings. I can tell that this is different...Jason is different." Sara said gesturing towards where Jason was.

"I guess," I said with a shrug.

I didn't really want to talk about it because I didn't really understand Jason and I's strange relationship myself. Were we together? Were we fuck buddies? Were we just friends? Right now, I have no idea.

"Don't do that," Sara said shaking her head.

"Do what?" I asked giving her a strange look.

Sara has known me for years, and she was pretty good at reading me. Which was good and bad since she was now my manager.

"Don't act like this isn't a big deal. It is a big deal. You really like him." Sara pushed. "He isn't like anyone you've ever been with before." She said giving me a soft expression.

I didn't understand where she was going with this. Why was she evening bring up my past relationships? I mean, she is right. Jason was different than the rest of them.

"You love him..." she said shocked as she had just thought it herself.

My face must have given it away. It was true, I just wasn't sure that I was ready to admit it out loud or to myself...

"I don't know," I said shaking my head. I couldn't look at her because I knew that I would break.

"You do," Sara said with a smile. "You're in love with him." She said simply. Like it was the easiest thing in the world and I was acting a fool not admitting it to her or myself.

"I guess so, I mean." I sighed and stood to my feet. "We have talked about it," I said before walking into the kitchen.

Jason filled my mind, every moment we had shared together and mattered, he mattered.

"And?" Sara asked jumping to her feet and following me.

"I...I think we both love each other," I said as I aimlessly opened the fridge.

I knew Jason cared. I wasn't exactly sure that he loved me but there were feelings there.

"You say it like it is a bad thing." She said placing her hands on her hips.

"It's not," I said shaking my head. "I guess it's just hard for me. I haven't felt like this before." I said shutting the fridge and facing her.

"Really?" she asked raising a brow.

I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"Really," I nodded. "Jason is different...special. I really care about him. I never really imagined feelings like this existed." I said with a soft sigh.

I shook my head and avoided her eyes. I might cry thinking about it. God, I am so bipolar.

"That's so sweet." Sara sang as she gave me a hug. "I am so happy for you." She whispered. "I can tell that you are happy and you deserve it. You really do." She said as I pulled away. I wasn't in the mood for all this affection. "I can see that he feels the same way," Sara said letting a soft sigh.

"Really?" I asked surprised and she nodded. Perhaps it was true then...perhaps he did love me. I thought I was just going crazy.

"He can't take his eyes off of you," Sara said with a smile on her face.

"I don't know about that. I'm pretty crazy about him and I know that he feels for me too but I don't know about all of that." I said shaking my head.

"Anytime you walk into a room his face softens. He can't stop looking at you when you're around. At first, I thought that was just how he worked but then I noticed how he looked at you. He looks at you like you are his whole world. It is adorable." Sara made it seem rather obvious.

"Oh," I said. My thoughts overwhelmed me.

Jason and I had talked about our feelings and confessed them to one another but this was different...this was real.

"I got to go. I have a few other meetings today. I will call you tomorrow. Text me if you need anything. And please try to enjoy yourself." Sara said as she ran into the living room to grab her things as her phone rang in her hand.

"Bye," she said as I walked her out of the house.

That was one thing I loved about her, she was always on the go and nothing seemed to get in her way.

I sighed to myself once I realized that I was now alone. I wanted to go talk to Jason but the other wanted to be alone a little bit longer in order to think over what Sara had said.

I knew she is right and I have seen it myself. I guess I just wasn't prepared for others to see it too.

I enjoyed being around Jason but I also enjoyed having my own alone time too, and lately, my alone time was rare to come by. I wandered outside, onto the porch. We were on the beach, a private beach so I knew that I was safe.

I took off my sandals and walked down to the water. The sand felt weird between my toes. I was never a huge fan of the beach. I liked the sun but I was a bigger fan of the cold than the hot.

Sand is strange to me. It was like glitter, it multiplied and grew annoying, quickly. I put my feet in the water and my toes tingled at the strange feeling that it brought me.

I took a deep breath and walked a few feet further into the water before turning around and walking back out of it. I have never been a huge fan of swimming.

"Miley," someone called. I turned around to see Josh on the porch waving at me.

I slowly began walking back towards the house and picking up the sandals that I had tossed in the sand.

"Hey," I said as I got to the porch.

"How are things?" Josh asked.

"Good," I nodded.

Jason walked out onto the porch with two beers in his hand and gave one to Josh.

"I'm going to go clean up," I said as I walked back into the house leaving Josh and Jason alone.

I wasn't ready for my alone time to be over and I sure wasn't interested in talking with Jason right now.

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