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Jason's p.o.v

Miley slept soundly as we flew to Florida. I knew that she needed it so I didn't bother her. I laid next to her and held her close to me, but I couldn't think straight. My mind was racing and racing and there was no calming it down.

I need to find out who X is and I need to do it now.

I had told Sara to tell Josh what had happened and we planned to debrief once we landed in Florida. I wasn't sure why they had attacked me and left Miley alone. Perhaps it was because they were trying to get rid of me. After all, if I was out of the picture then Miley would be vulnerable.

The whole flight I kept thinking about what had happened. I tried to get some sleep but it was useless. All I could think about was 'X'. Things were just going to continue to get worse...I knew that.

I decided against waking her up until we got to our location in Florida. Miley was sleeping so soundly and I didn't dare bring her out of her calmness. Sara and Josh agreed with me because they both knew how upset she could get over all of this. And we didn't want her upset.

"Miley," I said after Sara and Josh had left once we were settled in.

"Wake up," I said slightly shaking her. I needed to see her eyes, I wanted her arms wrapped around me. My body, heart, and soul were craving her.

"Hmm." She mumbled as she fluttered her eyes open. Peace filled me.

Her eyes took me to another place. They calmed me down and told me everything was going to be alright.

"Hi," She giggled as she wrapped her arms around me and pulled me on top of her. I fell into the bed with her and laughed.

"Hi," I said letting out a soft chuckle. I wrapped my arms tightly around her.

"We're in Florida?" She asked once I pulled away. She looked around the bedroom with a soft expression on her face.

"Yes," I nodded. "I thought you might be hungry," I said as I struggled to stand up on my crutches.

God, these crutches were such an inconvenience. 

"Hey," Miley said jumping to her feet. "Let me." She pushed me to sit down on the bed and I gave in knowing I was exhausted.

Miley walked out of the bedroom but kept the door open so I could see her walking around the kitchen as she began preparing dinner. After a few minutes, I walked into the kitchen to join her.

I was completely fascinated by her. Her grace is so attractive. I enjoy watching her. The way she moves. Miley was slowly becoming irresistible. I don't how much longer I will last.

"Eat," Miley said as she gave me a plate of pasta before sitting at the table with her own plate of pasta.

I smiled and began to eat as I watched her eat. The silence only added to the moment. I want more moments like this. Where it is just us. 

After we were finished she took my plate from me and started the dishes. I continued to watch her as she did so.

She slowly walked back with a smile on her face, and I smiled up at her in response.

"Thank you," she whisper before climbing on my lap and straddling me my lap.

Quickly our lips found the others and our tongue moved in sync together. I pulled her closer towards me and deepened our kiss, wanting more of her. I wasted no time as my hands squeezed at her ass.

"Hmm," I said pulling away slightly.

"You better be careful," I whispered with a smirk as I eyed her closely. She smiled at me.

"Or what?" She giggled as she clung to me.

"You're asking for it." I said as I slowly stood up with her in my arms.

I did my best to limp to the bedroom and successfully throw her onto the bed before climbing on top of her. I don't know how I managed to get from the table to the bed but I was so fueled with a passion I didn't think twice about it.

"You're so hot." She giggled and she pulled me closer towards her. Our lips captured each other once again as fire ignited within me.

"I want you," Miley whispered into my ear.

"Oh trust me, I want you more," I said as I started kissing down her neck.

I kissed and bit at her neck making sure to take my time. I want to enjoy every single moment.

"Jason," Miley moaned as she tugged at my hair.

I continued to slowly kiss down her neck lingering in the crook for a little bit longer before she pushed me away slightly. I could feel the urgency as she pulled her shirt off of her body.

I chuckled at her actions and took my shirt off as I looked deep into her soft blue eyes.

"Stop teasing me," Miley said pouting up at me. "I fucking want you!" She grunted.

That was it. That was all it took. Everything was on fire.

Miley wrapped her arms around me and rolled me over to straddle me. I watched as she took off her bra. Miley and I locked eyes as she bit her lower lip in her adorable attempt to look innocent. My hands travelled slowly up her torso making her moan in response.

Her hands traveled down my torso to the top of my pants and she still had yet to break eye contact with me. She tugged at the hem of my shorts and suddenly they were off of my body.

I looked down and saw Miley had my hard member in her hands. Before I could respond her mouth was wrapped around me.

"Fuck," I moaned as I threw my head back in pleasure. I wasn't ready for that.

I was hard before she even wrapped her lips around me but now I was rock hard.

"Miley, fuck." I groaned.

I couldn't take it. I need more of her—I need all of her.

"I knew that would work." Miley laughed as she rolled over and took off her sweat pants.

I was now on top of her and I wasted no time as I thrusted inside her. She was so tight that I had trouble controlling myself. I knew that this was just as much about her as it was me.

"Oh baby," I moaned as I slowly pushed all the way inside of her.

"You feel so good." Miley moaned as she wrapped herself around me. Her arms hooked around my neck and her legs around my torso.

I slowly began to thrust in and out of her. She was completely mine in this moment and nothing was ever going to change that.

I know that I will never get used to the moments that I get to spend with her and I know that she will never understand how much I want her and how much I need her.

"Yes," Miley said rolling her head back. She moaned my name, "Jason,"

I want nothing more than to be the one who pleasures her forevermore, and I will do anything to make that happen.

"Mine. All mine." I moaned as I dug my nails into her side.

I thrusted deeper and passionately as Miley continued to moan. I was so close and I could feel Miley was too.

"You," Miley moaned as she bit down on my ear.

"Fuck." I groaned as I trusted faster and faster.

"I'm-" Miley screamed as we both climaxed together.

I held her close to me as we both reached our high.

"Oh my god." Miley whispered as she panted under me.

We slowly came down together. I had never experienced anything like this before. Now that I have experienced this I know that nothing will ever compare to this.

Miley is mine and I am hers.

"I love you," I whispered softly as I held Miley into my arms.

Miley was already fast asleep. I watched her as I slowly fell asleep right next to her. Nothing compared to this moment.

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