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Jason's p.o.v

Miley hasn't called me yet and I didn't know if I should call her or not. I think she will reach out when she is ready but I still feel bad. How else was I supposed to feel? Should I tell her the truth...the whole truth?

I turned on the TV out of boredom and the first thing I saw was pictures of Miley and Patrick from their night out. I shot up on my feet and watched closely. No.

"Miley and Patrick were spotted out of L.A's new hot restaurant. They appeared to be extra close. The PDA only grew throughout the night. Miley then drove Patrick back to her house and Patrick hasn't been seen since. I'm guessing the French kissing was only the beginning of their night. We love Miley and we are so happy with her newfound freedom! We can only hope that she finds her happily ever after with or without Patrick." The annoying blonde smiled.

"And of course let's not forget about Miley's bodyguard. He was spotted with her at the courthouse but he wasn't there with her last night. Actually, the pair didn't have any bodyguards. Maybe they didn't want to draw attention...or maybe Jason, the newly famous bodyguard, is no longer working with Miley."

"Fans aren't thrilled about this and have expressed that all over social media. Fans have grown accustomed to Jason...with the hope that he and Miley will become a couple. I have to say, I agree with the fans! Miley and Jason would be a beautiful couple." She said before smiling.

I turned off the TV before I could hear anything else. My mind was racing. Miley had said that she wasn't interested in Patrick and that he was just using her for sex. It didn't make sense that she would say that and be with him. What was she playing at?

I felt the frustration rise within me. I was mad—angry. Why would she lead me on and then hang all over him? I mean, I know that we aren't in the greatest situation right now but I didn't think she would run to him, for fuck's sake. I cared for her and I thought maybe I had a chance with her. I guess I was wrong.

What does Patrick have that I don't anyways?

I just don't understand why she went to him. Miley could have anyone she why would she want him? She knows he is just looking for sex so why would she hang around them.

What the fuck was she thinking?

"Hey man," Calvin said walking into the living room. "What's wrong?" He asked noticing my frustration.

"Miley. Miley is what's wrong. Her father told her some shit and now she won't talk to me. I know that I should have told her before all this happened but I didn't know-how. Now she is hanging out with this fuck who only wants to fuck her." I said pacing back and forth. I was on the verge of losing my shit.

"You know that you weren't supposed to fall for the girl, right? It was a job." He said. I knew he was upset. He was the one who went out of his way to even get me the job in the first place.

"I fucking know!" I shouted.

"Then what were you thinking?" Calvin asked crossing his arms over his chest.

"I was doing the job and then I fucked up," I admitted with a sigh plopping back down on the couch.

"Well, what do you think is going to happen now? You are off the job and you don't even have the girl. She can't handle your past, hell neither can you." He said. He was right and I knew I was fucked. "What are you going to do now? I tried to help you as much as I could. I'm moving up north and I'm selling this place." Calvin said shaking his head. I knew what that meant...he was going to work with the government again.

"I don't know what I am going to do. I will be out of here by the end of the day. Good luck up north." I said before walking into my room.

I had no idea what I was going to do. My mind was a mess and I couldn't think straight. I packed what I had and left. I knew that I had overstayed my welcome especially now that I lost the job he got for me.

I knew that my past would never be forgotten but I also knew that I couldn't give up on my future whatever that might be.

I put everything in my car and randomly drove around the city. I had no place to go. I pulled over and pulled out my phone. I stared at it for a little while. I wanted to get her attention. I could post something on Twitter or on Instagram.

"Stranded with no place to call home."

I wanted Miley to see something from me. I am honestly stranded with no place to call home. I just don't want her to forget me. She is probably still with him. I know that I have no luck with her.

Now I just need to figure out where I am going to sleep tonight.


Miley's p.o.v

Patrick got dressed and waited for a car to pick him up. I already knew that every one new about Patrick and me so I didn't bother to turn on the TV. I honestly wasn't in the mood to be reminded of my mistake.

I knew before anything even happened that I would regret it but I just needed to get my mind off of Jason and everything else that is suddenly consuming me. Yet, being with Patrick didn't work at all. I suppose that is my fault for ever thinking that it could.

Patrick didn't say much as he got ready to leave and I was glad he didn't.

"I'll call you." He said before walking out the front door leaving me all alone.

I didn't know what was worse: being alone or hooking up with Patrick.

One thing I do know for sure...I won't be hooking up with Patrick ever again. Or anyone.

I grabbed my phone out of boredom and saw that Jason had tweeted. I sighed before opening the notification.

"Stranded with no place to call home."

What the hell does that mean? I was at a loss when it came to him. Should I try to reach out to him? Despite everything, I did trust Jason. He was sweet and supportive. I don't know Jason that well and I don't know his past. Do I even need to know about his past? I do know that I need Jason in my's better when he is around.

I needed to find a good manager, a PR rep, and I needed to build a strong team. A team that I could trust and rely on. I needed Jason on my team.

I liked his tweet. I didn't really know what to do at this point. I didn't even know how to reach out to him. I suddenly felt awkward about him. It was strange and stupid. I don't get this way often, actually, I never get this way about anyone.

I texted Jason. I was concerned about him. His tweet seemed weird. 

I needed my bodyguard...I needed Jason.


Hey. We need to talk. Can you come over?


I'm busy.




I don't have time.


I can come to you. I NEED to talk to you. It's important.


Okay, fine. I'll be over in 20.

I could tell he was upset but I was happy that he agreed to come over. I really didn't know what to say. I don't really know why he would even be upset with me. Maybe last night worked and I did make him jealous. 

That was my goal, right? I know that it wasn't right but I was angry and I can't really control myself when I am angry.

I put on some tight short shorts and a loose tank top. I threw my hair up in a bun on the top of my head. I thought about putting makeup on but I decided against it. Jason would be here soon and I wanted to look my best for him.

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