Chapter 2- Robert Queen

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I open my bedroom window, jumping down onto the lawn. Sprinting across the street to the alley way, I finally hear the familiar voices.

"Rob, there you are man, we were starting to think you wouldn't show."

"Naw man. Miss a chance like this one? I don't think so." Anger still pulses through my veins from earlier.

Thea had no right to take us away from our father. Even if he was a mess right now.

"Rob, common." I flip the red hood over my head, following them to the small convenience store. We stop at the back entrance, one of the guys pulling out a gun.

"Where'd you get that?"

"My brother. He's in the military, didn't think he'd miss it."

"Sweet." One of the guys try's to grab it from Jason, failing. He ends up flat on his back, the gun pointed at him.

"Jason, take it easy man!" We pull him away, the other getting to his feet, dusting himself off.


"Let's get this over with. Rob, pick the lock." I take out the small set, easily turning the lock. We pull the ski masks over our heads before going through the door.

Once inside we begin to grab things, throwing 'em into our bags. For a few minutes I forget everything wrong with my life. That's until I hear the gun shot.

I turn on my heal to see Conner bleeding out on the ground, Jason standing above him the gun pointed.

My eyes go wide as the light leaves Conners eyes, and I bolt. I don't even have a chance to get far before I hear the cops chasing me.

The flashing lights come to a stop right in front of me, cops getting out and pinning me to the ground.

"Hey get off me!"

"You're under arrest for murder!"

"I didn't do it!"

"That's what they all say. Read him his rights." I don't hear a thing as they throw in the back of the squad car, seeing that they have Jason too. The other two must have scattered as soon as it happened.

I glance at Jason and see a smirk on his face, making me uneasy. How is he okay with the fact that he just killed someone. That we just got arrested for it too! We could spend the rest of our lives in prison. No one would care though... My moms gone.

The day she died was the day my father died too. I've tried to get through to him, but he could give a crap about what happened to us. At least I wouldn't be bothering anyone anymore.

Rey will probably be the only who cares, but she has better things to worry about then a pain in the but brother. It's the last thing she needs. Especially since she's always been the genius, just like mom. It didn't help they looked so much a like. Rey could be a miniature replica of her.

Rosy was only two, she wouldn't notice if I disappeared. She didn't need me around, putting bad things into her head.

My family doesn't need anymore problems around...

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