Chapter 16-Dinner

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Rey's POV
I stare at my reflection in the mirror, not sure if I'm the same girl as I was seven months ago.

My hair still falls in its perfectly golden curls. My figure is still the same, maybe growing an inch or two. My eyes still the same blue with hints of gray.

Everything about me on the outside is the same. So why do I feel so different? Like I'm a stranger in my own skin?

"Rey, they're here!" Rob shouts from the other side of the door.

I quickly braid my hair over my shoulder, a few strands left loose to frame my face.

I make my way up to the front hall where I see Ray and the man from a week or two ago.

"Ah. There you are Rey." My dad places a hand on my shoulder, and I can feel the tension between everyone else in the room.

"Oliver sweetheart, dinners ready."

"Thank you." Rob follows my grandmother into the donning room, while my father and I bring up the rear.



"Can we talk after dinner?" He stops in his tracks, getting down on a knee to look me in the eyes.

"Is everything alright?"

"Ya. I just wanted to talk to you about some things."

"Okay... You're not pregnant are you?"
"Dad!" He laughs, getting to his feet once more and we enter the room.

The dinner couldn't be more awkward between the father and son, my dad attempting to make small talk.

Finally I get fed up with it. They wanted to meet each other, why are they acting like they were both forced here?

"Is it me, or is there an elephant in the room?" Ray smiles at me, thankful for the attempt.

"So Beck, what did you major in for college? I'm considering the dramatic arts, but not completely sold on it."

"What?" This catches my dads attention, being new to him.

"I always thought you would be my little computer genius."

"Dad... It's more of a hobby, and it's something I'll do in life, but I just want to be open to other options."

"Quite the daughter you have there Oliver."

"She takes after her mother." The amount of pride radiates off my dad, looking between my brother and I.

"Of course..."

"Back to the question. Beck?"

"Oh, uh... I majored in scientific analysis."

"Really? We're looking for some college students for our scientific internships at QC." I glare at my dad, bobbing my head towards Ray.

"It's not that great of a program though... At least not compared to the one at Palmer Tech." He attempts to cover up, failing epically.

"It's true... I applied for one of there student courses and it was way better than QC." Rob adds to the conversation, and I can tell we've finally caught Beck's attention.

"Ya... That would definitely be something I'm interested in. Right now I was interning at STAR labs, but I just don't feel like it's where I belong."

"I understand what that's like." Ray adds, causing a silence once more. Here we go again...

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