Chapter 2

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I was sitting on the couch with Weston still holding the ice to my head when I said. "I need to find my friend Caroline, she is the only reason why I'm here." "Wait so you don't know who we are?" Blake asked. "I know who you are, I just don't watch you like she does because I never have the time" I told them. "Oh. What a relief" Weston said. I asked him why that was a relief but before he could answer Mark said "It's just nice to make friends with people who don't know who we are".

"Who said we were friends?" I had a smirk on my face, obviously I was joking so they all laughed. I told them I had to go find Caroline when Blake said "Why don't we help you look for her?" "You don't have to do that" I told them. But if you know the boys then you know they don't take no for an answer.

All of a sudden they all huddled together in a circle and 1 minute later Jacob said "Okay so here's the plan. We are going to split up so we don't get seen by anyone. I'm with Mark, Blake is with Hunter and Lexi you are with Weston". Weston looked at me and shot me an adorable smile.
We stared at each other  for a millisecond and I looked at the ground blushing... Do I like Weston?! No I just met him. Idk.

•Weston's POV• (from what you just read)
"Okay so since we are going to help Lexi we need to split up. So who's with who? I will be with Lexi" I said. "Awe does Weston have a crushhh?" Hunter blurted out. I could feel my cheeks get hot. "I only just met her Hunter" I told him. A minute later we got who we were going to be with settled. We got out of the huddle and Jacob told Lexi the plan and when he told her that she was going to be with me she looked up at me and I stared into her beautiful blue eyes. I shot her a smile and she was bushing and looked away. I know I only just met Lexi but I felt like I knew her forever. I think I like her...

Back to Lexis POV•
"Okay you guys can come" I said. "Great, now can you show us a picture of what she looks like so we know who she is? And text her and tell her that if she sees one of us don't yell out our names" Hunter said. I shot Caroline a text.

Me: Hey, don't freak out but I'm with the boys. I will explain everything when you get here. Me and the boys are going to find you so tell me where you are.


Me: Okay we're coming.

"Okay guys she's at the front, so we will split up and whoever finds her first text the others" I told them. Blake spoke up "Um none of us has your number, do you mind programming it into our phones?" I just met these people and they already wanted my number... I giggled. I know it was only so they could help me but still.  "Yeah sure. It's 555-456-2054 I told them. (NOT A REAL NUMBER) I saw them put my number in there phones and then they gave me there numbers to put in my phone. Then everyone left to find Caroline.

Weston turned to me and said "We should go" "Yeah okay so she's in the front, stay close and don't get seen by anyone". I told him.

"Look there she is, Caroline!" I called her name and she spotted me and Weston and ran up to us so fast. "OMG YOUR WE--" she said before I covered her mouth took her wrist and ran with Weston in front of us. We made it back to that room we were in earlier and I told Weston to call everyone to tell them to come back.

One minute later everyone made it back and I explained everything to Caroline and she said "Wow... I can't believe it, we are in a room with all these cute guys!!" "I can't lie they are really cute" I agreed with her.

We all were talking and having a good time when there manager came in and told them they had to go and do the show. Before they left Mark asked us if we can hang out after the show. Me and Caroline both agreed and waited for the show to be over.

(Yay I'm so excited for the next chapters! Trust me they are going to get way better, I hope! Chapter 3 might come out today if I get it done.) Xo💫

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