Chapter 18

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-Westons POV-
"Mark. What is wrong with you?" I said furiously. "Weston bro chill" he said. "CHILL HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO CHILL WHEN YOU KISSED MY GIRLFRIEND AND SAID THAT YOU LOVE HER?!" I said, getting really angry now.

"Well, you weren't there for Lexi when she needed you. And I wa-" I cut him off right there. "You know what. Fine." I said and I walked out of the room to the elevator straight up to the roof.

-Lexis POV-
What where am I? I here voices yelling. I didn't know who it was but I didn't want to find out. So I just laid there, wherever I was, listening to their conversation trying not to open my eyes. I heard a name that sounded familiar.. It was Lexi. But I didn't know who that was.

-Marks POV-
I jus sat there in silence after Weston left. What was that supposed to mean? How could he be so selfish. I started crying and said "Im so sorry Lex... I wish this never would have happened". But then I heard a familiar voice...

-Lexis POV-
I laid there I silence trying to remember where I was and how I got here but it wasn't working. Then I heard someone say "I'm so sorry Lex... I wish this would never have happened". Wait, was I the one he was talking about? Why couldn't I remember.

I decided to open my eyes. I saw a boy with brown hair and beautiful blue eyes... He was cute. "Who's Lex?" I asked. "DOCTOR, DOCTOR SHES AWAKE." The boy yelled. Then I saw a doctor run in. "How do you feel?' She asked. "I feel fine, but can someone explain to me why I'm here?" I asked.

"Oh no, looks like she suffered some severe memory loss" they said. That's why I couldn't remember anything. I thought. I looked at the boy and he started to cry. "Who am I? I asked. "Your name is Lexi Smith" the boy said. "What's your name?" I asked. "My name is Mark Thomas. I'm so glad that your okay" he smiled backed.

He was adorable. Then a girl and 3 boys walked through the door. The girl ran up to me and gave me a big hug, I hugged her back. "Sorry to ruin the moment but who are you all?" I asked. "I'm Caroline, this is Blake, Hunter, and Jacob. I'm so glad your okay" she smiled.

"Her memory should come back in a couple of days but in the meantime try to show her things that might help her gain back her memory back faster." The doctor said. "When will she be able to leave" Caroline asked. "She will be released in a couple of hours,we just have to run a few more tests" the doctor smiled.

"Okay, I'll go back home and get you some fresh clothes so you can be more comfortable." Caroline said. I nodded my head and she walked out of the door. "Okay we need to finish the tests up so I'm going to have to ask you all to leave, but you can come back in a couple of hours" the doctor said.

They all nodded their heads, gave me a hug and walked out the door. Now I ah e to finishing these tests, then I can go home... Wherever that was.

-Blakes POV-
"Hey I'll be right back, I'm going to go find Weston." I told the guys and walked off. I knew exactly where he was. I went up to the elevator and clicked the button that said roof.

When I reached the top I walked over rand saw Weston just staring into space. I walked over to him and said "Hey, you okay?". He ignored me. "She's awake you know". Still nothing. "Weston, she's lost her memory. She doesn't remember anything or anyone. The doctor says that it should come back in a few days thought." I said.

Then I heard him crying. "N-no my baby girl doesn't deserve this... Why do bad things happen to good people? What is she never remembers anything. What if she forgets about me..." He said, I could tell that he was upset.

"It's going to be okay Weston, just be positive about it. She's strong, she'll push through it." I said trying to comfort him. He just kept crying. I felt so bad, I couldn't imagine what it felt like. Lexi is special, she doesn't deserve this...

-Westons POV-
Blake and I just sat there in silence. I needed to see my baby girl. I need to make sure she doesn't forget me. I love her. "I need to see her" I said to Blake. "You can't see her right now, they are doing some more tests on her but she will be able to come home in about 1 hour." He said.

"I don't care. I'm going to see her." I said as I walked to the elevator with Blake following behind me. I stopped in front of Lexis room. Was this right? Yes. I opened the door and walked over to Lexi. "Excuse me sir, your not allowed in here right now" she said. "Please, please let me talk to her." I begged. "Fine I'll give you five minutes." She said and walked out the door.

-Lexis POV-
The doctor was doing some tests on me when this boy about my age win dirty blonde hair and brown eyes came in. "Excuse me sir, your not allowed in here right now." The doctor said. "Please, please let me talk to her." The boy asked. "Find I'll give you five minutes." She said and left.

The boy came closer and sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm Weston Koury... Your boyfriend." He said. Woah, he's my boyfriend? I thought the other kid, Mark was. "Really? Then that means you can explain to me why I'm here?" I asked and he nodded his head.

He explained everything that happened to me. I was in shock. I was starting to remember how this all happened...

I was sitting one the bathroom floor when Weston knocked on the door and asked me if I was okay, I said I was fine. I lied. I couldn't take the pain anymore, it hurt so much. I didn't want to break Westons heart and I didn't want to hurt Mark... I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror. I'm not worth it. Look at me. I thought. I stepped back and slipped on some water that was on the floor... The last thing I remember was Weston busting through the door. Then everything went black.
*End Of Flashback*

"I remember..." I said. That was the only thing I could remember from that day, or any of the days before. When I slipped I must have hit my head. "You do?!" Weston asked surprised. "I remember that I didnt want to break your heart..." I said.

(A/N: AHHH anotha cliffhanger... Whoops, sorry😅. I decided to update again because this book has 1.99k reads!! Almost at 2k! I'm soo excited. This means so much to me.😊 Comment your thoughts on this chapter, I would love to hear! Bye cutiess❤️)

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