Chapter 25

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Weston and I decided to go to the movies. We went to see "Allegiant:Part One" (OMG I CANT WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE! I've read all the books!😍) As we were walking into the theater a group of girls walked over to us.

Oh no... I remember them. The girls from the carnival that hit me... What am I supposed to do now?

I get behind Weston so they hopefully wouldn't see me. Weston looks at me when I take his hand. "What's the matter?" He says.

I look up and nod over at the girls coming up to us. "Nothing but look. Fans?" I ask trying to play off the fact that those girls are from the carnival.

I let go of Weston's hand. The group of girls are now standing in front of us. They look at me and chuckle. Then the 'leader' speaks up, but to Weston.

"Hey! I'm Alison. Aren't you Weston Koury?" She asks and smiles.. Ugh why can't I punch her already.

"That's a beautiful name. And yep, are you a fan?" He asks. "Sure am. I love you! And so do my friends!" Alison says pointing to her friends behind her.

"Cool, this is my friend Lexi" he smiles and Alison and the girls look at me and smile and say "Omg! I've seen you on broadcasts before. Your so pretty!" She says and the other girls just laugh.

Ugh what a fake. "Thanks" I force a smile. Weston looks at me. "Soo, Lex and I were just going to see a movie. Do y'all maybe want to come?" He asks.

Nononononono. NO. She can't come. Please say no.. Please say no. I think to myself. I look at her and she turns back to her friends then she turns back. "Sure. We would love to!" She smiles an gives me a glare.

I sigh. "Weston can I talk to you for a minute?" I say. "Sure. We will be right back Ali" he says. WHAT?! He already has a nickname for her?! Ugh.

Weston is standing in front of me now. "What's wrong?" He asks. "That girl that you like so much." I say pointing over to Alison.

-Weston's POV-
Wait... Why did Lex just say that I liked Alison? I don't. Why can't she just see that the person I like... Well love is standing right in front of me....

-Lexis POV-
"I don't like her." He says sternly. What's his problem? "Okay well that girl over there. That's the girl from the carnival.. The one that hit me because I was dating you." I say.

He just looks at me. "Oh... I'm sorry I forgot. Well we can just leave you know. Tell her that we had to go." He says.

"No it's fine really. I'll just go home and you stay." I say. He looks at me with a sad face. "No, I'll go home too. I don't want to hang out with the people who hurt you" he says.

I nod my head and give him a hug. "Thanks Weston" I say and we walk back over to Alison and her 'minions'.

They stop laughing about something right when we walk up. "Hey guys. Looks like we are going to have to make a rain check for that movie. Lexis not feeling well." He says. Awe he's so cute.

Wait.. Did I just say that? Alison looks at me. "Why can't she just go home and you stay?" She asks still staring at me. "Because if she's leaving so am I." He says.

"But why? Wouldn't you rather hang out with us?" She says with a disgusting look on her face. Weston grabs my hand. "No. Listen I know what you did to Lexi. I'm not stupid so why don't you just leave us alone." He says and walks away dragging me behind him.

After we had left we got back on our penny boards and started riding home. It was pretty silent, until I decided I wanted to hit a rock with my wheel and go land sideways on my arm.

Weston runs over. "Omg are you okay?" He asks helping me up. He grabs my arm. When he does I feel a sharp pain in it. I wince at the pain.

"IM okay. My arm on the other hand is not." I say looking at my right arm. He takes my other hand and helps me up.

"Let me see" he asks looking at my arm. He try's to move it back but it hurts to much so he stops. "I think you need to go to a hospital." He says.

"Okay. Can you grab my penny board? I think we need to walk the rest of the way" I say. He nods and grabs my penny board and we walk home.

*skip to home*

Weston and I walk through the front door and he sets our penny boards down when Mark runs up to us. "Omg. Are you okay Lex?! What the heck happened?!" He says.

"She fell off of her penny board and landed on her arm. We need to take her to the hospital to see if it's broken or not." Weston says.

I nod my head. "Okay, I'll call Caroline's mom" Mark says.

*skip to hospital*

We arrive at the hospital and I check in at the front desk. We sit in a chair for a minute until they call my name and I go to the back into a room.

There was nothing in it but a bed and some chairs. Very empty and plain. Just as I'm walking over to the bed the doctor walks in.

I sit on the bed. And the doctor walks over towards me and examined my arm. "So how did this happen?" He asks. I explain everything to him.

He nods his head and moves my arm back. I wince at the pain. "Well it's not broken but it is sprained so you will need to rest it for a couple of days." He says.

"Okay" I say. "I'll be back with a sling for your arm. Your going to need to wear it for about 2 weeks" he says and walks out.

A couple of minutes later someone else walks in...

(A/N : AHH finally an update! I'm sorry if it sucks. I haven't been able to update a lot recently because I'm busy with school and stuff so I hope you all understand! I hope you enjoyed this chapter, comment. "💞" if you did! Ilyasm. Bye cutiess❤️)

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