Chapter 8

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I woke up because my phone was blowing up with stuff from social media like, "ARE YOU AND MARK DATING??" "First Weston now Mark." "They don't even like you" "You don't deserve them" or "Eww your ugly back off" I clicked on those comments and started to cry.

Those comments really hurt. I'm already insecure enough without all of those people calling me names. I threw my head into my pillow and thought about my life. Was I even worth this? Did I deserve it? Then someone came in. It was Caroline.

"Hey I just ca-- Lexi what happened? Why are you crying?" "Check my Instagram" I said between sobs. I saw her go on my phone and look at my Instagram. "Don't worry about them Lexi. They are just jealous little haters who have nothing better to do with their lives" that reassured me. "I know I shouldn't listen to them but it's hard not to"

"Okay get dressed, we are going out" "What? Where?" "We are going to the carnival with the boys" "Okay let me get ready" she walked out of my room and I went to take a shower. Today I decided to dress kind of casual but cute. (Pic above) Then I brushed my teeth and curled my hair.

I walked down stairs so I could eat before we left. I ate an apple and had some orange juice. I guess that Weston noticed my big red puffy eyes so he pulled me aside. "Hey are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine." I said and faked a smile. "No your not what's wrong?" "Nothing honest." Lies. "Okay as long as you say so" he smiled and walked away.

I hate lying to him but I didn't want to kill the "happy" vibe. Eventually everyone was ready to leave so we all walked to the carnival since it wasn't that far away from my house. I was walking beside Mark and Weston until we reached the carnival.

We got our tickets and first we rode some rides. After we rode the "Tilt-a-whirl" we were all dizzy so we decided to stop to get a snack. "Can I get 7 funnel cakes and 7 sodas?" The person looked at him funny like he was going to eat it all himself. We laughed at that.

Once we got our food we sat down at a table and started talking. Weston kept looking at me whileI was talking to Mark, giving me weird faces. I ignored it.

When I got up so I could throw away my trash a group of girls were looking at me. They walked up to me and I said "Um can I help you?" They looked at eachother. I tried to walk past them by when I did they pushed me down. The "leader" of them looked down at me and said "Stay away from Weston or I promise I'll kill you." She looked serious. "You can't tell me what to do" I said as I tried to get up.

That was a really bad mistake. As soon as I stood up she punched me right in the jaw. My lip started bleeding, I felt it. I finally got away and went to the bathroom to clean my face up. I looked up at the mirror to see where she punched me. I looked horrible worse then before I came. I knew I wasn't worth it. I knew that I didn't deserve anything. Those girls just made it seem more clear.

I walked out of the bathroom and stood outside of it looking at my friends laughing and having fun without me. I was deciding weather or not to go join them or go home. I decided to go home and rest because of what happened. I arrived at my house and went up to my room. I changed into my footie pajamas and laid in bed.

I was almost asleep when my phone started playing my ringtone 5 million times(I may have exaggerated a little bit). When I didn't answer them my phone started blowing up with text messages and voicemails so I checked my messages. I had gotten a lot from Caroline, Mark, Weston, Blake and the rest. (W= Weston || C= Caroline || M= Mark || B=Blake || L= Lexi)
M- Lexi please answer us we are worried sick.
B-Hellloooooo? Are you okay?

I decided to text Caroline back
L- Hey sorry I decided to go home. Some stuff happened while I was there with some people and I forgot to tell you I was leaving.
C- WHAT HAPPENED? It's been 1 hour. Okay we are coming, tell me the gossip when we get there.

I love my bestfriend, she understands me so well. I was laying in my bed when Caroline came barging through my door. "What happened? Why did you leave?" "Okay so you know when I went to go throw my trash away?" "Yeah" "Well when I got there some girls pushed me down and told me to stay away from Weston.

I didn't listen to them and I got up. That was a bad idea. When I was up she punched me square in the jaw then left. I went to the bathroom to clean up the blood them came home." Caroline looked at me processing all of this. "Wait so they did that and you didn't punch them back?" She laughed.

"No and it's not funny" "Sorry" "It's fine, I just want to sleep" "Okay, I will leave and we can talk more tomorrow" "Okay and byee" Caroline walked out of my room.

I went on snapchat and posted a pic saying "Very long and stressful day🙄" then I shut my phone off and was almost asleep when Weston walked in my room. "Hey are you okay?" He asked "Yeah I'm fine, just trying to sleep" I said. "Oh well I was going to ask you something today at the carnival but you left." "Yeah what was that?" "Okay... I know we just met and all but there's something about you that I really like, your so brilliant and smart and beautiful. I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend?"

OMG Weston wanted me to be his girlfriend?!!! "Sure, why not?" I said and smiled. He hugged me so tight. "I love you" he said. "I love you too" I said.
We ended up falling asleep right after that. I was soo happy.

(A/N: Heyy, so I hope you liked this chapter, I know it kind of sucked. But a new chapter will be posted tomorrow, maybe two?
Bye cutiess😋)

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