Chapter 3

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After the show Caroline and I were waiting for the boys to come back so we could hang out. "It's been 20 minutes, they were supposed to be here 1 hour ago. I think we should get your mom to let us stay at a hotel since its late and we won't be back home until really late". I told Caroline.

We live in North Carolina but the M&G was in Orlando Florida. She sighed and agreed, I think she was bummed because she really likes Hunter and she really wanted to get to know him. So her mom agreed and we went to a nearby hotel, got two rooms and got settled in.

5 minutes later my phone buzzed, it was Weston.
(W= Weston || L= Lexi)
W- Hey where did you go? We went to look for you but we had to leave.
L- We couldn't wait any longer so we went a hotel.
W- Oh:( What hotel?
L- The Paradise Resort
W- No way! What room are you in?
L- 267
W- Walk outside and look to your right.
L- okay...

I got up out of bed and walked to the door, I had a room by myself and Caroline and her mom shared a room. When I got outside the door I looked around when I saw him standing there, staring at me. "Hey neighbor" he said. "Weston?" I asked. "Yeppers" he said and we laughed. He walked up to me and gave me a hug, I hugged him back.

I heard a fake cough, we didn't see him come out of his room, it was Mark. "Am I interrupting something?" he asked. "No not at all" I told him and smiled. He smiled back. They asked me if I wanted to hang out and I said yes but I needed to wake up Caroline first. They said okay while they went back inside of their rooms.

I walked up to Caroline's door and knocked on it very lightly. She answered the door and said "Guess who is our neighbor." I said. "Who" she asked. "Weston, Mark, Hunter, Blake, and Jacob" I told her. I didn't have to say anything else before she was already out of her hotel room and we walked up to Weston's door, but before we knocked we heard whispers. I told Caroline not to knock just yet.

I leaned my head against the door and listened. "I don't know what it is about her but she makes my head spin. She's so amazing and beautiful, and I love her smile... I know I just met her but I think I like her. I really want to make it work but how?" I heard Weston say.

Could he be talking about me? Nah he can't be, nobody likes me. I heard a different voice, it sounded like Blake "Dude I don't know. I mean you should get to know her before you make your mind up." Blake said. Then Weston spoke again "I know but she leaves to go back home tomorrow and there's nothing I can do about it".

I knocked on their door and Blake came to open it. Weston shot up off of his bed I'm surprised he didn't jump through the ceiling, his face was as red as a tomato when I walked through the door. I laughed at him. Caroline asked where Hunter was when Blake got a great idea, well he thought it was a great idea.

"I know what we should do! We should play hide and seek!" He said. Weston obviously agreed and we went to the other room to tell the others what they thought. When we walked through the door Mark was staring at me with a weird but cute face expression. When he noticed that I saw him looking at me he looked at the ground and blushed.

Of course this was where Hunter, Mark, and Jacob were at so obviously Caroline was already in here chatting up a storm. Then Blake spoke "Guys we should totally play hide and seek. It would be so much fun"! I wasn't to sure about this but everyone else wanted to, even Caroline and she hated this game, she thought it was to childish. All of a sudden Jacob blurted out "Not it" and Blake, Hunter, Caroline and Weston and I quickly followed.

"Mark stay in here and count to 40 then start looking for us" Weston said. Mark said "Okay" and we all walked out of the room. I saw Hunter and Caroline run in one direction and Jacob in the other. My plan was to go up to the roof's balcony and hide there so I ran to the elevator and before I could
push the top floor a hand stopped the door from closing, it was Weston.

He said "So where are you going to hide?" I told him my plan and he pushed the button for me and when we got up to the top floor I ran to the roof and Weston followed me. "You can't hide where I'm hiding, it will give it away!" I told him. He said "Well I'm going to hide here wether you do or not" he smirked at me.

I giggled and ran in the other direction when all of a sudden arms wrapped around my shoulders I turned around and saw Mark. "Haha I found you" he laughed. "Okay you caught me" I said with a sad face. He laughed at me. "I know you came up here with someone so where are they?" he said. "Umm I don't know what you are talking about" I told him. He said "Okay fine, I'm going to find the rest of them" we laughed and he ran away. My phone buzzed in my pocket, I opened it, it was from Weston
W- Thanks I owe you one😉
L- No problem;)

Eventually Mark found everyone and we went back to their hotel room's and hung out until me and Caroline started getting tired. We said our goodbyes and went back to our hotel room. When I was almost asleep my phone buzzed. It was from Mark.
M- Hey, I hope you sleep well tonight and I hope we get to see each other before my flight takes off tomorrow. 😋
L- Thank you, I will come over tomorrow and say my final goodbyes if that's okay? :)
M- That sounds great! See you tomorrow! 🙃

When I got done texting Mark I fell asleep. Today was a great day! I made new friends and they liked me for me. I don't want to leave tomorrow, today was so much fun. I'm so glad I met them. As I was thinking about the day I slowly drifted to sleep.

(I hope you are enjoying the story so far! What do you think will happen next? Chapter 4 will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned!) Xo.💫

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