Chapter 3

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"That don't make a lick of sense," Bobby commented as Dean relayed the whole story to him.

"Yeah, you're preaching to the choir." Truth be told, Dean wasn't sure either. He didn't know of anything that could get anyone out of hell, let alone him.

"Dean, your chest was ribbons! Your insides were slop! And you've been buried for four months! Even if you could slip out of hell and back into your meat suit-"

"I know, I should look like a Thriller movie reject."

"What do you remember?"

Dean shrugged. "Not much. I remember I was a hell hound's chew toy and then...lights out. Then I come to, six feet under, that's it." As a realization hit him, his eyes widened. "Sam's numbers not working, is he.....?"

Bobby shook his head. "Oh, he's alive. As far as I know."

"Good...wait, what do you mean, as far as you know?"

"I haven't talked to him for months."

"You're kidding, you just let him go off by himself?"

"He was dead set on it."

Dean sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Dammit, Bobby. You should have been looking after him."

"I tried. These last few months haven't been easy, you know, for him or me. We had to bury you."

"Why did you bury me anyway?"

"I wanted to salt and burn you. Usual drill. But Sam wouldn't have it."

Dean raised his eyebrows. "Well, I'm glad he won that one."

"He said you'd need a body when he got you back home somehow. That's about all he said."

Dean was beginning to get suspicious. Something wasn't right. Did Sam make a deal? "What do you mean?"

"He was quiet. Real quiet. And then he just took off. Wouldn't return my calls. I tried looking for him, but he didn't want to be found."

The elder Winchester cursed, "Dammit, Sammy."


"Okay, so he brought me back okay. But whatever he did, it is bad mojo."


"You should have seen the grave site. It was like a nuke went off. And then there was this... this force, this presence, I don't know, but it, it blew past me at a fill-up joint. And then this." He pulled up his shirt sleeve and revealed the hand print.

Bobby stood in shock. "What the hell?"

"It was like a demon yanked me out. Or rode me out."

"But why?"

"To hold up their end of the bargain."

"You think Sam made a deal?"

"It's what I'd have done." It was true and Dean knew it. He had already done it once. That was how he ended up in Hell in the first place, when his deal expired.

Later, Dean was speaking into a phone. "Yeah, hi, I have a cell phone account with you guys, and uh, I lost my phone. I was wondering if you could turn the GPS on for me. Yeah. Name's Wedge Antilles. Social is 2-4-7-4. Thank you."

As he ended the call, Bobby looked amused. "How'd you know he'd use that name?"

Dean tramped over to a laptop, opening it. "Are you kidding me? What don't I know about that kid?"

He typed in the address for ARC MOBILE. It was only then he noticed the empty beer bottles lying around and picked one up. "Hey, Bobby. What's the deal with the liquor store? What, your parents out of town or something?"

"Like I said, these months haven't exactly been easy."

Dean locked eyes with him for a moment. "Right." He was distracted when a blue arrow pointed to a star on the city map. "263 Adams Road, Pontiac, Illinois," he murmured to himself, then out loud he said, "Sam's in Pontiac, Illinois."

"Right near where you were planted."

"Right where I popped up. Hell of a coincidence, don't you think?"

An hour later, they were pulling up to Adams Road. Dean fidgeted nervously with his coat as he walked to the doorbell. He raised his hand to knock, but let it drop.

"What is it, boy?"

"What if Sam doesn't want to see me?"

"Are ya kidding me? That kid spiraled downwards when you were gone. He missed you. Of course he wants to see you, ya idjit. Now get in there."

"Right." Dean fiddled with the lock and a paper clip before it burst open. They walked down a hallway and stopped in front of door number 207. They exchanged looks before Bobby knocked.

Dean had never been more surprised when a beautiful young girl opened the door in only a tank top and underwear. Her dark hair draped down her back and over her shoulders as she looked at the, expectantly. "Where is it?"

Dean was confused. "Where's....what?"

"The pizza? That takes two guys to deliver?"

"I think we've got the wrong room," Dean commented as he began to move away. He stopped short when a familiar tall figure wearing a grey t shirt and jeans grimly asked, "Hey, is....."

The figure trailed off as he saw Dean, who in turn had a hard time keeping his emotions under. "Heya, Sammy."

Sam's eyes flitted between Dean and Bobby as Dean stepped inside, the woman making way for him. As his brother approached him, he pulled out a knife before he suddenly rushed at Dean.

As the woman screamed, Dean blocked Sam's attack, giving Bobby time to drag Sam off of Dean, gripping his shoulders as the youngest Winchester struggled and shouted,  "Who are you?!"

"Like you didn't do this!" Dean yelled back.

"Do what?!"

Bobby attempted to calm Sam down. "It's him, it's him. I've been through this already, it's really him."

Dean blinked a few times as Sam glanced at him, recognition dawning and the struggle fading. "What....."

"I know." Dean cautiously advanced, pretending Sam was like a frightened wild animal. "I look fantastic, right?"

The gloss of unshed tears was evident in Sam's eyes as he took two steps and pulled Dean into a hug. Dean tightened his arms around Sam, burying his face in Sam's shoulder and rubbing his back.

They stood in that way for seven seconds before the young woman interrupted, "So are you like...together?"

Dean gave her a weird look while Sam rushed to explain, "What? He's my brother!"

"O-Oh. Got it, I guess. Look, I should probably go."

"Yeah, yeah, that's probably a good idea," Sam agreed.

As Dean and Sam watched the woman go out of sight, Dean turned to his brother, a knowing look on his face. "Something you want to tell me?"

Sam, blushing, gave Dean a lighthearted punch. "Shut up."

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