Chapter 22

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It had been a few days since they had received the note from Lucifer, but all were antsy, expecting something bad to happen anytime.

Since Castiel had read the note, he had refused to leave the Winchesters' side, particularly Dean because of that one chilling sentence in the note. However, he also worried for Sam, who seemed to suspect that Lucifer might still want him as a vessel. Every spare minute he could, he prayed. Prayed hard for safety and wisdom against Lucifer. Every day he heard on angel radio the same bit of news- Lucifer was getting closer and closer to breaking out of the cage. It alarmed him, to put it bluntly. It was taking its toll on him. The bags under his eyes were constant. At every little noise, a Castiel would jump, his angel blade slipping into his hand. At times he thought he heard someone chanting Latin or Enochian when it turned out to be nothing. He either didn't see what it was doing to himself or chose to ignore it, focusing all his attention on Bobby and the Winchesters.

As soon as Sam read the note, he knew he was in trouble. Big trouble. Just because he wasn't mentioned in the note didn't mean that Lucifer would try to play him again. And last time he possessed him, Dean had almost been killed. This time, Sam strictly vowed not to let Lucifer in, and he spent hours poring over books and articles on how to defeat the devil. Late into the night or early hours of the morning, the lines would swim together and he'd sometimes fall asleep on his laptop on the table.

Dean was confused and a little wary of the note. Lucifer could be bluffing, for all he cared, but....Lucifer never bluffed- not if he could help it. He decided to ignore the part about him in the note, but he could see Castiel wasn't taking it very well. The angel had refused to leave his side, even for a second, and seemed reluctant to take some time off. However hard Castiel tried to hide his anxiety, Dean always saw right through it. Perhaps that was what made their relationship so special. When Dean would go to his room, Castiel would already be there, praying to a God that they didn't know if he existed. Then Dean would sit beside Castiel and stroke his back, often accompanied with a light kiss or soothing words until Castiel became less tense. He saw how it was worrying Sam too. Every night, he had to be the one to convince Sam, to eat something or to get some rest. Sometimes when he couldn't sleep, he'd open his eyes and simply watch Sam sleep, promising to protect him at all costs, or watch Castiel stare out the window for what seemed like forever. Then he would get out of bed and talk with Castiel, convincing him to relax. But now, he was getting worn out. His eyes no longer had the spark of life, and he was more tired every day. He could barely manage enough energy to even smile. But, like Castiel, he disregarded it and put Sam, Castiel and Bobby first.

Bobby sensed that something had happened. He didn't ask what, since they'd all give the same answer, but he suspected it was from the devil himself. He saw Castiel's reluctance to leave them by themselves. He noticed Sam's desperation for anything, even a theory, on how to stop the devil. He hurt for Dean, who was singlehandedly trying to uphold the three of them and it hurt, to be honest. Nobody should have had to do that, but Bobby. Therefore, whenever he could, when Dean was working or just sitting, Bobby would tell him to get some rest, go for a drive, eat something. Majority of the time, Bobby stepped in the role of fathering them. Sam and Dean, he had experience with and knew what to do and what not to do. He even considered Castiel as his adopted son, and loved him as if he were his own. Unknown to Dean or Sam, he'd sit with Castiel in the middle of the night and just talk, from little things like bees to bigger fish like the still raging war or Lucifer's rise. He understood how the angel felt to be worried sick about the boys, because he had worried plenty. He was the sole reason why any of them had any hope left in winning the war and sending Lucifer back to where he belonged.

One night was especially bad. Everyone's nerves were on edge, particularly Dean and Sam's. They had gone from an argument over books to an all out fight. When Bobby tried to break it up, they had both snapped at him to stay out of it, resulting in him storming off to his room. Castiel was the next, trying to calm them with words, but that was cut short when Dean had yelled at him, "No one cares you're broken, Cas!" Castiel had backed off, disappearing to God knows where.

Almost immediately, the high tension died down and they forgive each other, ending with a hug. Sam went off to find Bobby while Dean went off to find Castiel.

It turned out Dean didn't have to go very far to look. As he ventured into his room, calling out, "Cas?", he heard a muffled sound coming from beside the window. There, curled up in a ball, was Castiel, trying to keep his sobs quiet, but utterly failing. His shoulders shook from the crying and the weight laid on him since the last couple days, his hands tightly clenched in his trench coat.

Dean knelt down beside him, reaching a hand hesitantly to stroke Castiel's back, just like he always did when he was upset. As his hand traveled up and down, the sobs decreased gradually until they died down altogether. "I'm sorry, Cas. I didn't mean it."

Castiel wiped his eyes and looked Dean in the eye, who was slightly taken aback. How is he so cute when he's frigging crying? "I'm not sure I believe you."

"Don't be like that, Cas. I really didn't."

"Then why did you say it?"

" was wrong of me. I'm sorry, I really am." As he noticed Castiel start to shake slightly, he knew the tears were coming back. He opened his arms. "Come here."

When Castiel didn't move, he wrapped his arms around the angel, letting him sink into him. As the weeping began anew, he rubbed Castiel's back and whispered, "It's okay, Cas, let it out. I've got you, angel. I've got you."

Castiel sank deeper into the safety of Dean's arms, hands beginning to fist in Dean's shirt, as he silently cried. Burying his face into the crook of Dean's neck, he tried his best to stifle the sobs, noting how each of them were affecting Dean personally. "What am I supposed to do?"

"You mean the whole Lucifer bursts out thing? Don't worry, Cas." Dean kissed him. "We'll figure out a way, just like we always have."

As Castiel's tears began to dry, he reached up with a hand to wipe the rest away, prompting Dean to let go of him. "You should get some rest, Dean."

"I'm not tired."

"You're lying."

Dean rolled his eyes, unable to hide a smirk. "Remind me never to lie in front of you."

"I mean it." Castiel enveloped Dean in a hug, ending it with a brief touch of his lips on Dean's. "You're exhausted."

As Dean grumbled and climbed into the bed, he stopped Castiel. "Cas, if you need to talk to me about anything, I'm here for you, alright?"

Castiel nodded and turned to leave the room.

"And Cas?"


"What i said earlier...that wasn't true. Sam cares, Bobby cares....I care if you're broken."

Castiel smiled. "Thank you."

"Alright, alright, enough with the chick flick." Dean smiled before Castiel shut the door, settling down to a restful sleep for the first time in days.

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