Chapter 6

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Dean shook his head as he and Castiel waited for Bobby to come to. Just five minutes ago, he wouldn't have believed that angels were real. Now, here was one, sitting next to him like it was the most natural thing in the world. "Is he going to be okay?"

"He'll be fine. Don't worry."

"You know, I still don't believe you're an angel."

"Why is it hard to believe?"

"I'm a hunter. If angels existed, wouldn't hunters have seen one sometime?"

"We are not what humans picture us to be."

"You mean the fluffy wings and halo getup?"

Castiel nodded. "Angels don't intervene on Earth as much as they would like to. They only come in times of desperate measures. The last time an angel  set foot on Earth was two thousand years ago."

"Right." Dean swung his feet as he looked over at Castiel, noticing that Castiel had already been watching him. "Dude, should you stop that? That's creepy."

"My mistake." Castiel turned his eyes to Bobby.

"So why have you come this time?"

"A storm is approaching, Dean. A war. A big one. It will include heaven, hell and Earth."

"What's this war fought for?"

Castiel shrugged. "I don't know."

"Come on, you're an angel. You've gotta know something."

"My superiors don't tell me everything." To Dean's surprise, Castiel actually looked crestfallen at this. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I haven't exactly been the model angel."

"Oh, come on, Cas." The use of the nickname startled both Dean and Castiel. Dean had no idea why he called him Cas and neither did Castiel, but both were okay with it. "I'm sure angels have their rebellious stages just like humans do."

"No, we don't. If we're given an order, we follow it. Even if it's killing innocents, something I don't approve of."

"I thought angels were supposed to be protectors, guardians."

"Read the Bible. Angels are warriors of God. I'm a soldier."

Dean nodded, understanding. He couldn't relate to being an angel, but he could relate to being a soldier. His father has treated him like one. "Yeah, I know how you feel."

Castiel looked up, curiosity in his eyes.

"My dad...didn't have typical dad skills. He raised Sam and I to be hunters in the first place. I didn't feel anything more than a soldier, but I've made my peace with it."

"Did you love your father?"

Dean smiled and stared off into space. "With all I had."

He swiveled his head to look at Castiel and found the angel already staring at him. For a moment, time seemed to stop as they bonded over soldier like conduct and feelings, as they got lost in each other's eyes.

The spell was broken when Dean heard a grumpy "What the hell happened?"

"Bobby." Dean jumped off the table and knelt by Bobby, helping him sit up. "You okay?"

Bobby was about to answer when he noticed Castiel standing behind Dean. He made a rush to grab a knife, but Dean stopped him. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on! Cas didn't hurt me! Relax!"

"Then who the hell is he?"

Castiel took it as his cue to walk forward until he was beside Dean. "I'm Castiel. I'm an angel of the Lord. I've been assigned Dean."

"As a friend?"

Castiel nodded slightly before saying, "Protector."

Bobby's hand faltered. "You're a real angel?"

"You have my word." Castiel shuffled his feet. " sorry for what happened earlier. But I needed to speak with Dean, alone. I could think of no other way."

"Oh, I guess it's alright. But don't try that again anytime soon, hear me?"

"I understand." Castiel locked eyes with Dean and nodded.

After a few moments of awkward silence, Dean cleared his throat. "Aaaand lets go home now." He looked at Castiel. "Cas, we gotta go."

"I know." Castiel fiddled with the lapels of his trench coat as he looked at Dean. "I'll see you soon, Dean." Then, before Dean could blink, he was gone.


Dean snapped back to Bobby's voice. "Yeah?"

"Let's go back now."

Dean nodded. "Yeah, okay." Just before he walked out, he turned and looked back at the room full of sigils. Then, he shut the door.

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