Chapter 16

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From that point on, something changed between the two.

Dean was, to say, more awkward and more protective of Castiel. He had no idea how to act around the angel (who would after they've disappeared for several months), but if Castiel insisted on going anywhere, he was set immediately on the watch and remained glued to the window hours after he had left.

Castiel was more silent and avoided Dean if he could, not wanting to discuss the incident several months ago. If anything, he didn't have an answer for the questions Dean would have raised. Still, he still considered himself the Winchesters' guardian and helped out on their cases when he could, but he left before either Sam or Dean could express thanks.

Sam suspected that, in terms of emotions, the tables had turned and something had changed. Even though Castiel and Dean tried to be secretive, he noticed things. He noticed the furtive glances they exchanged and the way testosterone levels rose when they were next to each other, much less in the same room. He didn't know what happened when Dean found Castiel, but he was sure it couldn't get less awkward than this.

One night

Castiel blinked once and he was in heaven. Well, not his own personal heaven, but someone else's tha the didn't recognize. On a normal day, he would have enjoyed the endless Tuesday of an autistic man but someone had summoned him. Someone who was stronger than him.

A soft step resounded from behind him and he turned to see an uptight woman walking towards him. Her brown hair was tied tightly in a bun and she gave off a professional vibe. Or maybe that was just the business suit.

"Hello, Castiel," she greeted with a fake smile.

"Where am I?"

"You don't know? You're in heaven. Dean's heaven."

Castiel looked around. "It's...very nice."

"Is it? I thought so too. But cut to the chase. I brought you here for a reason."

"You summoned me. Why?"

"Tell me about Sam and Dean."

Castiel's throat closed. "What do you want with them?"

"At ease, Castiel. I am not going to harm them."

"How do I know that?"

"You don't. Which is why you have to trust me."

Castiel shook his head and backtracked towards the door, but Naomi simply focused her gaze on it and it slammed shut and locked itself. "Let me go."

"We need to talk, Castiel." She snapped her fingers and Castiel suddenly felt a sharp pinch in his head. "Now tell me the truth. Tell me about Dean."

Castiel searched his brain for a lie, but she was too strong. Her mind control too much for him to resist. "I would give anything to be with him."

"I know, Castiel." Her eyes hardened as she spoke the next words. "I only wish he felt the same way."

Castiel sucked in a breath. "No."

"I can see what you're thinking and I won't allow it." Naomi suddenly zapped them to a brightly lit room. "From now on, you stay in heaven."

"I can't!"

"If this is about the war, then Sam and Dean will be just fine." She handcuffed him to a table, ignoring his pleas. "Now, sleep."

Castiel shut his eyes and looked away as a bright light filled the room.

He opened his eyes and found himself in front of Dean, Sam and Bobby. They were all looking at him expectantly. "What?"

"Cas, are you okay?" Dean asked.

"I'm fi-" Suddenly Castiel's eyes rolled back into his head and he collapsed. Dean and Sam barely caught him in time before he hit the floor. Sam propped him up, but Dean slung one of Castiel's arms around his shoulder. "Cas? Cas!"

Dean supported his upper torso while Sam grabbed his legs and they managed to get him onto the sofa.

"Balls," Bobby muttered as he went to pour a cup of the strongest wine he could find. He returned and held it under Castiel's nose, but nothing happened.

Dean held Castiel's hand and drew circles on it with his thumb as he looked at Bobby. "What is it? What's wrong with him?"

"You're preaching to the choir, boy. Ain't got any idea."

Suddenly Castiel's eyes flew open and he sat up in the bed, looking around the room wildly. "What is this place? Where am I?"

"Hold on, you need to take it easy." Dean put out a hand to rest on Castiel's shoulder, but he flinched away from it. "Cas-"

"My name's not Castiel."

Oh. Dean, Sam and Bobby exchanged glances before Sam asked, "Then what is it? Your name?"

"Jimmy. Jimmy Novak."

Dean groaned. "Crap."

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