Chapter 21

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He sank the blade into Castiel's stomach, watching in glee as blood spurted out of the wound. The only words he heard were from Castiel, saying, "I love you. It's okay, I love you. I love you. Dean Winchester, I-"

Dean shot up in bed, blinded temporarily from the lit lamp next to his bed. Scowling at the light, he rubbed his eyes, seeing spots, before his vision cleared. "Sam? Cas? Bobby?"

Castiel was nowhere to be seen. Dean assumed he was on his alone time, so it didn't bother him that much. Sam was most likely in his room and Bobby was probably asleep.

Shifting, he looked at the clock. 5:18 in the morning. Why had he woken up so early?

As memories of his dream came back to him in pieces, Dean shut his eyes, willing the images to leave. He couldn't do it. He couldn't watch Castiel being stabbed on a replay in his head.

Sam suddenly burst into his room. "Dean."


"Have you seen Cas?"

"I'm sure he's on his alone time. Why?"

Sam held up a piece of paper. "I think someone has a message for him."

As if on cue, the sound of wings buffeted the room and Dean turned around. "Cas!"

Castiel had appeared on the floor, on his stomach, and he seemed to be having a difficult time to get up. He somehow managed it, with many a grunt and pale face. But that wasn't what frightened Dean and Sam the most. No, it was the red, bloody gashes in Castiel's body. "Are you alright?"

Castiel looked a little unsteady as he walked towards them stiffly. "I..I think so."

His statement was contradictory, for the next moment he took a step, his knees buckled and he fell into Dean's arms, beginning to feel dizzy.

Dean was trying his best to hold Castiel up, but he couldn't do it alone. "Sam! Little help here!"

Sam dropped the paper he was holding and ran to them, supporting Castiel by his chest. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Hey, Cas, you with us?"

Castiel somehow stood by himself and looked at his hands. "Am I here?"

"'re here."

"Oh, thank God." Then his eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed, making both brothers panic and catch him in the nick of a time.

"Let's get him to the bed."

Sam and Dean managed to lay Castiel on the bed, his legs hanging off of the side. Dean looked at him in confusion. "What the hell?"

"I don't know." Sam was equally as confused and worried. "The last time I saw him like that was...after we went to get the phoenix ashes."

Dean ran a hand down his face. "Damn straight. Well just ask him when he wakes up?"

A few hours later

Castiel's eyes stirred, moving beneath the eyelids before they opened. His hand trailed over the soft covers before it hit him-where was he?

Suddenly on the alert, he shot up, almost making him fall off of the bed in the process, but he threw out a hand to steady himself. As the room came into focus, it was clear he was in Dean's room. It made him relax a little.

The door opened and Dean walked in, stopping when he saw Castiel awake. "Hey, Cas, you feeling okay?"

"I think so." Castiel made a move to get off of the bed, but Dean quickly pushed gently him back on. "Uh, nope. Not happening until you get fixed up."

"What happened?"

"You zapped in here all bloodied and beaten up. I should be the one asking you." Dean sat down and wrapped an arm around Castiel, planting a soft kiss to his forehead. "Who did this to you?"

"Uriel and Raphael. They betrayed me; they were working for Lucifer."

"Uriel? That douchebag again?"

"I'm afraid so."

Dean groaned. "What the hell happened next?"

"I killed them" came the terse answer, making Dean stiffen a little. "Oh. Okay."

Castiel turned his head to look at Dean. "Did I do the right thing?"

"' Course you did, Cas."

They leaned in and their lips had just touched when Sam walked in, saying, "Dean, is Cas awake because I need to,.....uhhhh...."

Dean pulled away and looked at Sam. "Yeah?"

Sam turned his attention to Castiel. "Oh, hey, Cas. Feeling better?"

"Much." Castiel sat up straighter. "What do you need to do?"

"When you passed out, actually, right before, this paper landed in front of me and I think it's for you."

Sam handed the said piece of paper to him. Castiel unfolded it and looked at it. His blood ran cold when he read it. "No. It's not possible."

"What isn't?"

Castiel held out the paper for them to see. When Dean squinted at the writing, his eyes grew wide when he read it.

When last we spoke, you wanted to kill me. Here I am returning the favor. I'm warning you- don't test my patience; you have stretched the boundaries far enough. I'm assuming you already know of my little plan. Attempt any move to stop me, you and your friends will die before you even start. Oh, and one more thing. Don't worry about your boyfriend- I'll be coming for him soon enough. Until then.


He clenched the paper in his hands. "What the hell is that supposed to mean? Come for me?"

"I don't know." Castiel eyed his shoes. "But it's not good."

Dean planted a kiss on Castiel's temple. "Are you sure?"

"I know my brother, Dean. When Lucifer says he will do something, he does it."

"I thought he's still in the cage with Michael and....and Adam," Sam wondered aloud.

"The cage is very close to breaking. I can feel it."

"Don't worry, Cas. We'll stop it."

Castiel had a soft glow in his eyes when he looked at Dean. "You really think the three of us will be enough?"

"We always have been."

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