Chapter 25

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Dean looked up at Castiel, blood dripping down the side of his head. "Cas....take Sammy and run....please."

Castiel took a step towards Dean, but Crowley held up a hand. "Not so fast, Castiel. First, we've got to talk."

"What is there to talk about?" Sam exclaimed. "You've got Dean. What do you want?"

"Oh, squirrel here was just bait. To get you two chuckleheads here."

"Let him go, Crowley," Castiel ordered in a dangerously calm voice.

"That won't work on me, Cas. You're not up to it. But, as I am an accomplished salesman, let's get down to business."

"Did you-"
"Just quote Mulan? Yes, I did, moose. Good observation. Now....Sam, I should begin by saying that Lucifer is extremely spitting mad at you."

"Can't imagine why."

"So...he told a demon to tell me to tell you that if you don't say yes, he'll take Dean for a vessel."

For a moment, the park was silent apart from the crickets in the bushes. Sam's jaw steeled. "That's not going to happen. Lucifer's the younger brother. Dean's my older brother. It won't work."

"Are you sure about that, moose? Because I do distinctly recall Lucifer possessing poor Castiel here when it was believed to be impossible for a demon to possess an angel."

Castiel's angel blade slid into his hand, itching to strike Crowley dead once and for all. "Dean has nothing to do with this. Let him go."

"That's where you're wrong. He has everything to do with this. It's still in his blood, in his heritage. Sam doesn't have to be the only vessel. From what I've learned, Dean probably can contain him too."

"And if he can't?"

"Well, one dead meat suit is always easy to replace, yes?"

Sam started in anger towards Crowley, but was stopped by Dean. "Sammy! Please! Let me say yes."

"No. Dean, I can't let you do that. Do you have any idea what it's like? To have Lucifer constantly controlling your mind and body? It's a nightmare. Trust me, he will try to break you. He muffles you, your thoughts, everything! Literally! That time before I jumped into hell, I almost killed you. The only thing that stopped me was looking into the Impala and seeing the toy soldier. Bottom line, I didn't enjoy it and I know you won't. I can't let it happen. I can't watch you turn on people you love-" his eyes flitted to Castiel before continuing- "and almost kill them. I can't let the same thing happen to you that happened to me."

"I don't want you to get hurt, Sammy. I don't want Cas to get hurt. Lucifer told me that's gonna happen unless I say yes."


"Come on, Sam!" Dean yelled suddenly, startling everyone into silence. "Let me save your frigging lives for once, okay?"

"By sacrificing your own?!"

"Yes! I've lost enough people I cared about in my life so many frigging times and I don't want to lose anymore! I don't need to lose anymore!" Dean's voice slightly broke at the end.

Sam knew that nothing could now change Dean's mind. But he had to try. "I need you to fight it. Please."

Dean was silent before answering, "I can't do that."

"So are you saying yes?"

"Pretty much." Dean looked pleadingly at Sam. "This may be the last choice I ever make, Sammy. Let me do it for Cas and for you."

Sam took two steps towards Dean and paused before  engulfing him in a hug, resting his head on his brother's shoulder just like he always did. "I wish you didn't have to do this."

"I don't either. But I have to do this, there's no other way."

Castiel stepped towards Dean, who was then released by Crowley. He knelt down by the hunter and placed a hand on his cheek. "Don't do this, Dean. Please. I don't want you to."

"I don't want to either, Cas." Dean in turn raised his hand to put on Castiel's cheek. "But I gotta do this, like it or not. I'm doing this for you and I'm doing this for Sam."

"I know, it's just...." Castiel looked down, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "You don't deserve this. This isn't right."

This had been the second time that Dean had seen Castiel break composure and break down, realizing how much he had changed. Gone was the old Castiel, emotionless, obedient, without a will of his own. In his place was a brand new Castiel, able to make the wrong choices for the right reasons, an angel able to feel and to love, the one who he had the greatest luck to be in love with. He pulled Castiel down in a hug and kissed his temple. "Hey, it's okay. You take care of yourself, okay? And take care of Sam. You keep a lookout for my little brother. Take care of my wheels. Remember everything life with us taught you. Remember everything I taught you."

Crowley cleared his throat. "Well, you two are very adorable and all that blah blah, but squirrel, you said yes. We've got to go."

"Give me a minute." Dean said without taking his eyes off of Castiel. "And Cas....remember that I love you. So, so much."

"I love you too, and I always will until the end." Castiel gripped Dean's hand. "Promise you'll come back- to Sam and back to me without Lucifer."

Dean smiled, tears blurring his vision. "I always come back, don't I?" His eyes locked onto Castiel, trying to memorize everything about his angel in the time he still had. His face structure, the trenchcoat, the way his voice sounded. "Smile for me, Cas. Just one last time so I remember what it looks like."

Castiel wiped his eyes and smiled genuinely, out of hope, out of love.

Dean smiled back and pulled him in for a last kiss. Their lips touched and both sank into it, the kiss loving and sweet. It was the last time their lips would ever meet out of pure love.

Dean was the first to gently pull away, smiling sadly as he stroked Castiel's face with his hand. Then his hand dropped and he walked back to Crowley, his eyes never leaving Castiel once.

As Crowley beckoned for the other demons to follow him, Dean's eyes locked with Castiel's, who would never forget the last three words coming out of Dean's mouth. "See you then."

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