Chapter 20

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Author's Note
Hey, guys! Hope you're all doing well. For those of you who aren't, I sincerely hope you feel better. I really cannot believe it; we made it past 20 chapters! High fives all around! Thanks for taking the time to read my story, however feely and bad it is. Special thanks to CasTheFriendlyAngel for being the first one to read it and provide feedback.

Carry on

"To begin with, I'm not sure how I got out as well."

Castiel was sitting between Dean and Sam, Bobby in a wooden chair. His hand was linked with Dean's, who told him not to be scared or nervous when he told. "One minute I was handcuffed to a table and then I heard....some fighting."


"Yes. It was right outside the room; I could hear it very well. Then Gabriel slipped in and undid my cuffs, then he was gone. I heard my vessel shouting and I came as quick as I could."

Bobby shook his head. "It can't be that simple. There's gotta be more."

"If there is, I don't know." Castiel was telling the truth. He actually didn't know. "I'm not sure there is. But all things aside, I'm glad to be back."

"So are we, Cas. Especially Dean."

Dean turned red in the face as the other hunters and Castiel smiled. "W-What?"

"He's been praying like crazy for you to come back."

"He's been writing your name over and over again on a piece of paper."

"He's been-"

"Okay, enough!" Dean shouted, embarrassed, as the others cracked up.

When it died down, Sam looked hard at Dean. "Aren't you gonna tell him?"

Castiel tilted his head. "Tell me what?"

"Not with you two in the room!" Dean hissed.

Sam nodded and followed Bobby out the door after yelling, "Use protection!"


Laughing was cut short as the door shut. Dean's smile faded and he looked at his feet, unsure of what to say. Cas, I like like you? Cas, I don't mind you? Cas, I tolerate you?

"Dean? What are you going to tell me?"

Dean inhaled. "Can we go outside a minute?"

"Of course."

They followed each other outside, next to the Impala. Dean jumped up on the hood of the car and made space for Castiel, who hesitantly slid next to him.

Dean looked up at the stars. "Pretty damn nice out here."

"Yes, I agree."

Here goes. "Cas, promise not to laugh, because I'm pretty sure Sam's recording this on his phone somewhere with Bobby."

"I won't laugh. What do you want to say?"

"I've had feelings for a long time for you, but I just didn't know how to say it. Cas, you are the best damn angel I've ever met and the best one that ever existed. You save my life and Sam's over and over again. You healed us. You helped us even when you didn't have to. You never left us. Sure, you made mistakes sometimes, but I forgave you long ago. You helped me find hope, something to believe in. You made me stop hating myself. And...God, I never knew why I couldn't tell you this before. But after you being gone for seven months, I...I couldn't take it anymore without you knowing. The day you left was the day I was finally going to tell you that I-" Dean cut himself off. This was it. This was the moment to either cross the point of no return, or to retreat. To reveal the truth or to lie. To fix Castiel or break his heart.


"We need you. Especially me. I need you." Dean took Castiel's hand and rubbed circles on it. "So I'm coming clean. Cas, I've never done this before, and I'm nervous. So...if you can-"

"Dean." Castiel's face was soft as he looked at the hunter. "I already have."

Simultaneously they began to lean in, their lips brushing each other's. Castiel's arms found their way around Dean's neck, and Dean's around Castiel's waist. They held each other, basking in the newfound feeling of love and safety. Dean was relieved he had finally told Castiel and was happy to have his angel back again. Castiel was shocked that Dean reciprocated his feelings, but he had made up his mind- he loved Dean and Dean loved him. To him, that's all that mattered.

There was the sound of pattering feet and Sam ran to them with his phone. With a smirk on his face, he showed them a picture of them kissing. "Dean, I'm going to tease you for this forever, you know that?"

"Don't you dare."

"I dare. I'm the little brother." With a grin, Sam dashed inside and to his bedroom, probably to squeal over the picture.

Dean smiled after Sam. "He's such a child." Then he leaned in and was about to press his lips to Castiel's again when Bobby cleared his throat. "Not out here, idjits. In there."

He stopped Dean on the way. "Real proud of you doing that, boy."

Dean just nodded and smiled, heading upstairs.

Bobby clapped Castiel in the back before giving him a serious look. "If I find you've hurt him-"

"I would never do that. You have my word."

Bobby smiled. "You're a good kid, Cas. Let's keep it that way." He left for a beer, leaving Castiel to go upstairs into Dean's bedroom.

As he pushed open the door quietly, he saw that the elder Winchester had fallen asleep. His face was partly buried in his pillow and the covers were draped loosely around him, falling off of the bed.

Gliding towards him, he picked up the covers and laid them over Dean, hearing him shift in his sleep. He stooped and brushed a kiss on Dean's forehead before disappearing.

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