Chapter 28

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Bobby had been watching the clock ever since Castiel left. One minute. Two minutes. Three minutes. Four minutes. He kept count all the way until he stopped at thirty-five minutes. He huffed a breath out through his nose and  set down his fourth beer bottle. "How long does it take him to take a damn walk?"

He heaved himself off of the chair and walked outside. "Cas? You there?"

No answer. He furrowed his brow and looked around. "Cas. This ain't funny, kid. Come out."

The door burst open and Sam walked out. "Hey, Bobby, have you seen Cas? I've found a case and-"

"He's not here, Sam. I can't find him."

"What? But I...I thought he was with you."

Both men realized. "Shit," Sam said.
"I agree with you there." Bobby reached into the open window of his pickup and took out two shotguns, handing one to Sam. "We gotta go find him."


Castiel stared in shock, eyes widening in horror. "Dean, your eyes."

As Dean's eyes flashed black, a slow smirk spread over his lips. "Oh, Castiel. It's not Dean anymore."


Lucifer laughed through Dean, making Castiel shiver. It felt so wrong, seeing it on Dean. "Cas, Cas, Cas. You should hear the things he thinks about you. How far he's willing to go for you....even die for you. I called him a peculiar creature, but man." Lucifer!Dean shook his head. "You. Being among the hairless apes is one thing, but slumming it with one of them? Enjoying it? Dean is so madly in love with you, every time you're gone, he trips over his own feet worrying about you and hoping he'll see you again. He just...longs to be in your general vicinity."

Castiel's hand fisted. "Stop this, Lucifer. Just stop."

But Lucifer!Dean wasn't finished. He extended a hand and Castiel flew into a tree. His head slammed against the trunk, sending a wave of dizziness over him. He shut his eyes and blinked twice before his vision righted again. He attempted moving his arm, but it was pinned to his side. In reality, something invisible was holding him against the tree.

Lucifer!Dean continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "And they call me an abomination. Ha! You know you do, Castiel. And that's the sad part. Dean, he's loyal to you. Loves you. He fights for you even when you're on the wrong side. And you just treat him like a tool, only coming to him when you need help. Mm, you should be ashamed of yourself."

"No," Castiel answered through gritted teeth. "You're lying."

"You know it's true. I'm just....exploiting the facts."

Lucifer!Dean released his grip on Castiel, causing the angel to fall to the ground on hands and knees. Castiel stood up, a little unsteadily, as he struggled to keep focus. "You don't know about me. You don't know about Dean. You don't know how I feel about him."

Lucifer!Dean began spreading towards him. "Are you sure? I can see right through that. I can-" He stopped walking as a realization hit him. "Oh. You don't have- oh. I'm so sorry, Castiel."

He knows. Castiel kept a neutral face although his heart was hammering on the inside. "About what?"

"You haven't told him, have you? You've kept a secret- from Dean, the one you love most."

"It isn't as if I haven't kept secrets from him before."

"But this? low, even for you."

Lucifer!Dean's words hit home, and even though Castiel knew that wasn't Dean talking, it still hurt. "Go to hell."

"Been there, done that. Now it's your turn."

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