Chapter 13

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"Dean. Dean!"

The words came to him in a hurried whisper. He sat up in bed and could just make out the silhouette of his brother's figure. "What?"

"Demons. They're surrounding the house."

"Where's Bobby?"

"Running an errand."

Dean groaned inwardly, but it was best that they not involve him in this. "How many?"

"I don't know. I saw five, but there might be more."

The fluttering of wings filled the silence and suddenly Castiel was beside them. His eyes locked with Dean's. "We're surrounded. There's at least twenty demons."

"Twenty? We can gank 'em in no time. Why are you so worried?"

"You don't understand, Dean. Hell sent its best soldiers. The highest ranking demons, Alistair included." Dean stiffened at the name and Sam quietly took note of that. "This is it. The war's officially begun."

Dean pulled out his shotgun and began hastily filling it with rock salt. He grabbed another gun and began loading it with bullets with devil traps carved into them. "Sammy, got the magic knife?"

Sam took it out. "Yeah."

Dean shoved the shotgun and tucked it into his belt. "Cas, where's your weapon?"

"I'll be fine." Dean trailed his gaze down to Castiel's hand and saw an angel blade slide into his hand. "Chances are, if demons are here, so will angels."

The trio walked out the door silently. Dean and Sam leaned against the wall and inched quietly towards the front door, Castiel following their lead.

A series of kicks rained on the front door as they drew closer. "Winchester! I know you're in there!"

Dean tiptoed quickly to the side of the front door and motioned for Sam and Castiel to do the same. He knew they would break down the door any second, but he had something planned.

Thud. There was the first kick. Dean planted his feet firmer on the ground.

Thud. Second kick. Sam shifted uneasily, fingers tightening around the demon killing knife.

Thud. The door was beginning to crack open. One more kick would bring it down. Castiel readied his body into a fighting position, spreading his invisible wings in a defensive stance.

As predicted, the door broke down with one kick from the demon ringleader. A familiar voice drawled, "Deeeaaan. I know you're in here somewhere. We have some unfinished business. So you might as well...come on out."

Dean's eyes widened. He'd know that voice anywhere. Alistair.

Alistair stepped through the broken door and into the house. "Come on, Dean. Don't make this into a game of hide and seek." He completely missed the huddled figures on either side of the doorway- or so they thought.

Two more demons stepped through the door, one being a dark haired female and one a blond male.

Sam caught Dean's eyes and mouthed, On three.

Dean nodded, gripping his gun.


For some odd reason, Dean's eyes met Castiel's.


They nodded at each other solemnly.


Sam made the first move, jumping on the female demon and attempted at stabbing her. After a brief struggle, she sent him rolling to the ground. Just as she was about to pounce, Sam jumped up and shoved the knife through her heart.

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