Chapter 26

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Castiel stared at the place where Dean had been, tears blurring his vision. He knelt down and brushed the place gently with his hand, missing the familiar presence of the elder Winchester already.

A hand came down on his shoulder. It was Sam. "Come on, Cas. Let's go home. Dean'll come back. He always does."

"For what it's worth, I would give anything not to have him do this."

"I know. Me too." Sam wrapped a hand around Castiel's arm and pulled him upright. "I don't like it anymore than you do, and I'm sure Dean hates it. But I'm betting on him. He's my brother and a Winchester. He'll come back." He let go of Castiel. "Let's go home, Cas."

Castiel obediently followed Sam, his mind never leaving thoughts of Dean stray. Oh, Dean. Where are you?

When they got back, Bobby came running out to meet them. "Where the hell have you two been?"

"Some unfinished business with Crowley," Sam answered. "And Lucifer."

It took Bobby a moment to realize what that meant. "Oh, Lord. He took Dean for a vessel, didn't he?"

Castiel nodded, eyes fixated on the ground.

Bobby cleared his throat. "Well, come on in. Let's  see how we can trick the Devil."

In the cage

Dean blinked.

One minute, he was saying goodbye to Castiel and Sam, and the next he was in hell. Actually, not just a random part of hell, but the cage. He looked around wildly for someone he knew, even Crowley, anyone. But he was alone in the calmest but most treacherous part of hell.

The cage was everything he thought it'd be- cold, dark, confining. An unknown light source cast an eerie blue glow on the cage, illuminating it dimly. Hesitantly, he touched the bars of the cage, grabbing it firmer and looking for a way out.

He shook the bars, in the hope of loosening a hole wide enough for him to fit through. But he knew, even as he toiled for no avail that his efforts to escape were useless. He was in the cage, after all.

"Nice of you to come, Dean."

Speak of the devil. As the pun popped into his head, Dean closed his eyes and turned around to face Lucifer. "Lucifer. Come to kill me?"

"The opposite, actually."

"Yeah, I'll bet."

Lucifer either ignored his sarcasm or didn't hear it. "I'll begin by saying I'm very, very pissed with your brother."

"Sam? He made the right choice and I'm proud of him for it."

"The right one? Maybe, but didn't he ever consider, say, the cost?"

"Alright, enough. I know you didn't come here to chit chat about Sam."

"That's right. I heard you agreed?"

"Who'd you hear that from?"


"Yeah, that's specific," Dean muttered. "Well, whoever told you, he's got it. I agreed."

"So you know what you have to do, then."

"Yea- of course, I have a few conditions."

Lucifer looked amused. "Conditions? That's what we're coming to?"

"If you expect me to cooperate, then yes."

"Okay then. Fire away."

"First, the people whose safety you have to guarantee - Sam, Bobby, and Cas."

"Oh, easy. Sam and Bobby's, at least. But Castiel? No, I don't think I can."

"Why not?"

"Because he's Castiel. My younger brother. Destroys everything he touches, so why not just let natural order take over and destroy him?"

Dean clenched his jaw and strode up to Lucifer until they were face to face. "You have no right to talk about him like that, you stupid son of a bitch."

"I wouldn't call him a bitch. He brought back your boyfriend, after all."

"Promise me he'll be safe. Or don't expect me to hold up my part in the bargain."

Lucifer held up his hands in surrender. "Okay, okay. Cas is safe. Better?"

"Much. Second, while you're in me-" Dean cringed at his own use of words. "Wow, that sounded vaguely dirty. When you're possessing me, don't make me do anything I'll regret once I get rid of you."


"Third, when you're done with me, don't make me a demon."

"Done. Any more?"

"After you're done with me, clean up after yourself. I'd like my soul still intact, my mind as normal as it is now with no extra homicidal sides. Get out and leave. Don't come back."

"That's more than one term."

"Come on, man. Do you want me to cooperate or not?"

Lucifer studied Dean for what seemed like ages before answering, "Alright. I'll fulfill your terms, as much as I don't want to."

Dean swallowed. "Thank you. I'm ready."

"Well, that was quick. Are you sure? No last phone calls to friends?"

Dean smirked, and a little gleam of his old personality came back into his eyes. "I don't have friends; I have family."

"Takes one to know one."

"Just do it before I change my mind."

That was all he got to say before Lucifer closed his eyes and a blinding light took the cage. When it faded, neither Dean not Lucifer was anywhere to be seen.

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