Chapter 31

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Please don't kill me for this chapter

After killing the demon

Dean got in the driver's seat of the car and started the engine, waiting for Sam to get in shotgun. "Hell of a fight back there, Sammy. Good job."

"Thanks, Dean. You too."

"Aw, now you're flattering me."

"I'm returning the compliment, jerk."


Dean turned on the radio, which began playing Stairway to Heaven by Led Zeppelin and pressed on the gas pedal. The Impala roared to life and sped away, back to Bobby's house.

The Impala pulled up at Bobby's house, whose front lawn was overrun by flashing lights, police officers, paramedics and an ambulance.

Dean looked at Sam fearfully. "What's  going on?"

Sam also looked scared. "Something bad."

They jumped out of the car and ran to the nearest officer. "What happened?"

"Are you two related to Bobby Singer?"

"We're his adopted sons," Sam answered.

The officer paused. "Dean and Sam Winchester?"

They exchanged looks. "Yeah. Why?"

"I'm so sorry."

Dean began to panic. "What do you mean? What happened to Bobby?"

"Someone broke into his house and shot him in the neck. He has major blood loss and is currently in a coma." The officer looked truly remorseful. "I'm sorry, but...I don't think he's gonna wake up."

Dean shook his head. No. This wasn't happening. He had already lost Castiel. He wasn't going to lose Bobby too. "No. No, he's Bobby. He's gonna wake up. He's never gotten sick in his life, he's gonna wake up, I'm telling you."

Sam put a hand on his brother's arm, although he was inwardly panicking and worst case scenarios were flying through his head. "Where is he now?"

The officer gestured at an ambulance, where there was a figure on a stretcher. They lost no time in running to it. Dean was the first to reach it, but he was held back by paramedics. "Sir, you can't come through here."

"He's my foster father, why can't I see him?!"

"We're very sorry, but we're going to have to ask you to move."

Dean began trying to push through them. "Please, let me see Bobby. Please! I need to see him!"

"We can't do that, sir. We're sorry."

Sam also arrived, taking in the scene. "Please. We're his adopted sons. Let us see him."

"We're taking him to the hospital now. You can see him there." Paramedics and officers alike began to pull the Winchesters away.

The officer who they had spoken to cleared his throat. "Let them through. It won't hurt to have a few minutes with him."

They relented and Dean ran over to the stretcher, followed by Sam. He touched Bobby's hand, tears clouding his vision. "Bobby? Bobby, can you hear me?"

Sam joined his brother and smoothed back what little hair Bobby had. "Bobby, hey. Listen. You're gonna wake up. You're gonna wake up and we're gonna come back to your house. We're gonna solve cases, but we can't do it without you. So you gotta wake up. Please, Bobby."

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