Chapter One

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A/N: I maybe gonna mix the school systems so ermm maybe it's too messy idk really qwq.

Ara's POV
Walking with him until we were near the gate I stop and looked up the sign written 'Ruben High'. The buildings were tall and very very tall, hope they have elevators...

I look around until I noticed he was gone as I look again this time with panic. Someone tapped me from behind as I startled a little finding out that it was only Rena.

"What are you suppose to be doing here, aren't freshmen suppose to be at the hall now? Ughh SIMON HOW YOU HANDLE THEM HUH?" She shouted at a guy beside her while pointing at a group. She turned to me giving me a warm smile.

"Go to this lane till the end and you'll see a T-junction, turn left and you'll see a stairs going down, go down there and in front will be the hall. I got a bunch of things to do but I'll see you later." She said while she marched right up to a group of gangster and giving off a glare as they yelp in fright. The person called Simon followed behind her while slightly scared of her.

I went all the directions as I found the hall, finding out that there was a bunch of people I didn't know. At last I found my class, 1-1H as I sat on the chair there looking around at the people who were mostly in groups. Chatting while I'm here, alone again. After a few minutes of waiting, I noticed something furry and white at a corner which was further from my seat. I didn't know why but, I want to see what it it.

Walking there I saw a gang who were bullying it as I prepared something in my pocket and went pass them crouch down and saw the little fella, it was a furry white fox it's eyes were gleaming powerfully at me. A guy kicked me as I fell and look up to him, he was snickering. I got up while dusting off the dirt on me and hold the fox up in my arms.

"It's not fun to bully the weak out of pleasure, boy..." I said softly as he bared back
"Boy? Hah! Aren't you a girl yourself, hmm. Why not let me enjoy you after school." He said as his gang chuckled while he was about to touch my chin. Now remember I mentioned about me preparing something in my pocket, it was non other than a extendable spear just made for me for safety though it doesn't have a blade at the top instead it's just blunt to not kill anyone.

I took it out without second thought while the voice in my kind spoke once again, this time it was more clearer than before.

"Accept me as I'll repay you later with fortune and anything you want..... But you must give me my key back one day...." As soon after that the voice died down as somehow I felt I could control my strength more. I whacked his hand away in response as he was enrage.

"You little...."
"That's enough. My my aren't you the one causing all these trouble, freshmen." A voice spoke out as I turned, Rena was there with Elesis and her team ready to strike anyone who goes in her way. I backed a little as Elesis placed her hand on my shoulder.

"It's gonna be fine, Ara. Rena knows what she's doing after all I can't wait to see new recruits on February. You did good today, maybe there's a chance for you to be in prefects team which is under student council. Oouhh look how cute their faces are." She said while closing an eye while watching Rena's team was dragging them out while they were resisting as well. People were watching, gossiping but I didn't care I wanted to know was that fox OK? I turned too look that it was gone as I turned to Elesis who was joking off with Rena.

"Elesis, did you see a fox around here just now?" I asked as she shook her head.
"There wasn't a fox in here in the first place plus why were you into this commotion anyway?" She asked as I laughed a bit while going back saying it was nothing particular. I sat down as of course everything was back to normal as the teachers and principle came and notify us about our locations, good luck wishes and a lecture being a student here.

I went to my class and sat there as I look around once again, seeing Aisha was here I waved to her as she sat beside me with a sweet smile. We talked about a bunch of stuff and events last year at the holidays. She look a bit downer as she looks pissed off and I was confused of what's wrong.

"Aisha what's wrong? You seem angered?" I asked her.
"(Those tits, tch) no nothing is wrong just a little angry with some stuff the other day with Elsword." She said while looking aside. In my mind I'm putting out '???' While I tilt my head in confusion. I was about to ask her on how was her and Elsword at the holidays as the teacher came.

Time skip, recess
Going out with Aisha for recess I wanted her to teach me more. I saw again the guy with frost white hair as I passed by him, probably he doesn't want to make a scene. Eating peacefully in class, I think nothing will go wrong.

"Ara, I heard that your father organize a company dinner banquet last year Christmas, was it fun?" She asked as I nodded. I spoke too soon.

"It was. I met someone there too...." I said while drifting off. Aisha was getting curious.

"What is it? What is it? What is it? Tell me Ara is it a boy you like?" She asked while squealing and asking out loud. She's making a scene on the first day oh gosh, onii-chan what will you do... I put my fingers on my lips while blushing madly at her and shushing her down. She look around finally realising the situation, I took her hand and ran up up and up till we're at the rooftop.

Panting a bit I look back to her, seeing her face was pink while panting hardly.

"I'm sorry.... Ara..*huff* I just over-*huff* reacted about the news.... So who's the lucky guy?" She said, back as if nothing happened. I sat down while looking at her right in the eye

"You promise not to tell anyone, including onii-chan..." I said while blushing already. My ears are pinkish red with embarrassment. As she nodded while smiling at me. She sat down beside me as we did the pinky-swear promise as I went to her ear and whispered softly and clearly to her.

I hung my head low while hugging myself as she pat my back while saying comforting things and praises of him.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't expect you like him. He's so.... Perfect. You got a nice choice Ara, and I heard he's still single." She said as I blush more. S-single?! How does she get these info??

The bell rang and saved me from her questions later. I walked back with her and sat at my seat and waited for teacher came patiently. Hope the next day doesn't goes wrong....

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