Chapter Five

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Ara's POV
Waking up with the alarm clock ringing, I yawned while pushing the button off with my fingers. I wash myself while thinking a fresh start in a new day, seeing my bruises and cuts were mostly gone, I smiled warmly while touching up the last few cuts on my legs. I wore my uniform while packing an extra one because I know what's going to happen, I went down while seeing Eun was there making breakfast in her guy form. I wonder why she's always on guy mode, I thought she always liked to be girly.. \(>n<\)

I shook my head to not over think as I sat went to see what he was cooking. I drooled a bit while seeing the food was looking awesome.

"Morning Ara. Have you prepared for school?" He asked as I nodded. Eun seems to notice me starring at the food as he chuckled a little.

"Breakfast will be ready in a minute, please be patient Ara." He said as I pouted and sat on my seat.

"Where's onii-chan?" I asked while tilting my head. Eun didn't hesitate to answer as if he already seen this coming.

"You brother went to Hamel, like he told you yesterday but he left early so that's why you didn't hear him going out." He said while flipping something with the pan, is that pancake? I thought while he put it on a plate as he gave it to me. Sunny side eggs with toast and ham, sweet! He put his portion on the table as we both eat silently, I glance at him eating while thinking why Eun wants to be a guy instead of a lady? He caught me looking at him as I continued to eat like nothing happened.

"Ara, eat faster you need to go to school early today. I'll sent you there myself so no need to worry." He said as I nodded.

I quickly ate my food and drank orange juice as Eun was already at the doorstep waiting for me.

"Uwaahhh!" I yelp while tripping onto the ground with a thud, I stood up slowly while enduring the small sting. This isn't so bad yet I thought while wearing my socks and shoes as I walked up to Eun with a smile on my face. I walked with him while people were of course looking at Eun since he's very attractive =~=". I walked awkwardly while we reached the school in minutes, I look at him one last time as I hugged him at the school gate. People was spreading rumors and glares were coming at me.

"Bye bye Shiro nii-san!" I said to let the people around me to buy the news, I glance around while I knew they took the bait. Eun walked up to the office for some buissness. Not that I care of course, I walked to my class without anything wrong at the moment which made me felt very very wrong. "I wonder why the air is so still, isn't that right Eun?" I asked in my mind as he agreed.

"Seems to little one, it shouldn't be like this...I wonder why..." He said in my mind as I went into my seat and finding out that Sasha was there, talking with Chung. I felt a mini heart attack. What if she knew I was attacking in Chung's house because the boss was in there? I screamed in my mind with so many possibilities. She look at my way as I look away, frightened. She seems to notice but simply ignore as I let out a relief sigh, soon after the conversation with Chung, she left while Chung was coming to my way. I tried to cool down while looking him come with a '?' on my head, I didn't know why he wants to come here but the way he looks was so warm and kind.

"Are you okay Ara, you seemed to have a trouble look on your face. Is something wrong?" He asked polity as I gave off a smile to him and answered back,

"Yeah I'm fine." I lied and somehow being close to him makes me sick. Looking at him from top to bottom I noticed there was a charm to ward off spirits by his pocket.

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