Chapter Seven

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Chung's POV
I stayed for a long time while not noticing Add already went home, Eve came in with her long hair tied up, holding two bags one which was her school bag the other was a computer bag.

"I'm back." She said coldly while taking her computer out and turning on the computer which Add had access before hand. She look through the codes very quickly while copying it all into her computer while adding more codes into the data.

"Eve how's it going with the codes? Is it okay?" Asked Echo at a side while putting on her safety goggles and starting the bomb.

"Almost done, Add did most of the work alright. Echo, that bomb needs more electricity to melt that metal." She said while typing the codes. Echo followed what she said as the metal melt like said. I glance outside finding out Ara was outside walking around, I wonder what happened?

I still haven't forget that promise I've made with her since we we're kids though, I wonder she still remembers or not?

Why am I here? Why is he like looking over here? Why is my heart beating so fast? Ara Haan cool down and Wiaaahhh

I tripped on the ground with a loud thud as someone ran out of the door.

"Oww..." I murmured while trying to get up.
"Are you okay Ara?" Someone asked with a kind voice as I instantly knew who was it.

"I'm fine Chung." I said while trying to get up, I wince in pain while looking at my leg, how did I twist it so badly with a fall?

"Don't force yourself Ara, here take my hand." He offered as I took his hand with hesitation, he wrapped my arm around his shoulder while his other hand was taking my bag. "Here we go ooof" he muttered while lifting us up. I tried to stand but no luck, I wonder how badly I twisted but being beside Chung is like a girl's dream but no, I'm no princess, just a commoner. He walked by the empty hallway while bringing me to the nurse office. I glance towards him while remembering Aisha did mentioned about him being single recently, I didn't believe it and now I have to ask him.

"Hey Chung?" I started off.
"Hmm?" He said while looking forward. "Is it true that you broke off with =====(A/N: idk who to put) because you were tired of her?" I asked while stuttering, he's going to hate me....

He gave off a pause while smiling and chuckling.

"Yeah I did broke up with her but she's the one who asked for it though, she was tired of me." He said while winking at me. To him who is popular and smart has a bunch of ex's but I don't really care since he's a friend, I think. Oh my heart is beating so fast.

"Hey Ara, can I ask you a question?" He asked while moving more faster. I catch up while answering "hmm?"

"If you got a chance to be my girlfriend, will you become mine?" He asked as I paused my answer while my heart is already beating so hardly.

"Y-yes ...." I said while looking away from his paw printed eyes.

"Then be mine." He said while almost kissed my lips as I fell down on the ground on purpose. Was Chung always like this to add it into his harem? I thought while standing up on my own while running away from him. This is wrong, this is so very wrong I thought while running towards the exit but sadly got lost again since the school is so big.

I slowly stop my pace while looking around and finding out that this was another building, a building I didn't came before this. I wandered around with a little fear in my head while walking on the cold silent hallway. Oh boy...why did I have to run away from him? I thought as I sigh, my heart us still pounding hardly because of just now. I walked further ahead while seeing a silhouette at the end of the hallway as I felt fear. Is this another ghost they said in the 7 wonders of Velder school? I thought while backing up step by step while it came closer and closer, I was still few feet away from it while seeing it's all black as I screamed in fear and closed my eyes.

Someone pat my shoulder as I opened to see it was Chung aGaIN?! I fell down onto the ground while not knowing this is throwing away the Haan family name because of Ara Haan, decedent of the Haan family and ruler of the spirits in Sander is scared of ghost. DO YOU READERS GET THE PICTURE?! I muttered many things at once not knowing what to do until I remembered he almost took away my first kiss.

"You.... Chung Seiker....I won't forgive you!" I growled while running to the staircase while going down to the ground floor. I went out the door while seeing it was evening already, the evening sky painted with orange and crimson red. I saw Eun was there.....still in his guy formed as I mentally flip a table. He saw me as he came to my side while carrying me princess style, I blushed while being carried by him as he gave me a reassuring smile as I sigh and shook my head n smiled.

"Let's go home Eun.. No, Shiro nii-chan." I said as he smiled back at me. "Sure thing Ara." He said as he carried me home just like that.

Chung's POV
Seeing Ara was carried by someone, my hands turn into fist as I went back down and back to the lab. Echo seems to notice me being in a bad mood as she came and ask me.

"Are you okay Chung? Did your harem failed?" (A/N: *puts Echo a sunglass* DEALT WITH IT HAHAHHAHHA)" She asked as I smiled while being stabbed with the word 'harem' and 'failed'. "I'm alright just unable to catch up to Ara to ask about homework, no worries I'll ask her through the phone." I said as Echo went back to her work. Eve took her bag and go without a word as I see her out, Echo continued to screw in the screw into the bomb. I shrugged while continuing my own part.

Eve's POV
I went out of the lab while thinking many things at once. I saw Add downstairs by the door as if he was waiting for me, I gave off an emotionless look while changing my shoes. I put the indoor shoe into my shoe locker and locked it as I walked out the door and ignoring him. He followed me without a word as I snapped for many reasons, I slapped across his face and walked faster. He just want my codes just like any hacker..I thought while I reached my territory. I opened my door to find out Oberon was already ready to go out to find me, he stepped a few steps back while letting me in as I went up to my room and did the usual routine like any other human would do. Ophelia came up and gave me juice as I drank it while typing more codes for it to function properly. I sigh as I finished it, I did my homework and took a bath. Both of my guardian were waiting for me at the doorway as I went to the hospital for a checkup.

"Good news for you Miss Eve, you don't have any problems at the moment!" The doctor said with a cherry voice while I starred at him blankly. I nodded and thanking him as I went out and back to my place as I took a rest. Guess I don't have much malfunction at the moment....

A/N: okie I'm sorry for the long update since writer's block! I hope u like it while I try to update more earlier. Anyway, my project was an success! But now needa seal a bunch of stuff with 'duck' tape xD

I'm gonna publish another book. This time is not elsword fanfic but oc x oc fanfic. Well hope u will like my other upcoming book, n also wish me luck in poetry if I have any. XD

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