Chapter Six

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Seeing everyone was acting normal I felt very curios, Aisha was busy with her studies maybe I should ask her to teach me too.... I passed by the bullies surprisingly I was not getting picked at, weird. I went to the library finding Aisha was there studying with Rena and Raven? I wonder why he's here owo"?

"Hey Ara, want to join us in our studying group?" Aisha asked with a cherry voice as I nodded and came to their table. I put down my bag with a soft thud while sitting beside Aisha, I whispered to her while looking at both Rena and Raven who was glaring at each other like cats and dogs.

"What's up with them Aisha?" I asked as she lean over to answer, "I'm not sure myself but teacher who was in charge of discipline asked no, forcefully requested Rena to 'babysit' Raven to not let him in trouble again. Rena was actually quite angry about it as you remembered that sexual harassment that Raven gave at the hallway. Khuhuhuhu...(revenge is mine)" she said as I look at both of them who was starring at both of us.

"(Oh boy) Rena can you teach me about this question?" Aisha said while changing the whole conversation. Rena took a slow heavy breath while nodding and started to teach her, I took out my books and presume to study more while I didn't want to look at Raven, his eyes scares me most T~T"

I took out a scroll while reading it, it was all in ancient writing but I can still read it, trying to understand how to free Eun I sigh in my mind while gaining nothing. I put down the scroll while taking my pen and started doing the worst subject I have, math.

Following the steps in the textbook and trying to do on my own, I realize it wasn't that hard until the last question twist my brain. Rena and Aisha seems to be busy about biology maybe I should ask Raven.

"Umm... Raven can you help me with this question... Please?" I asked as I bait an eye to my book. He paused for a moment as he took out his pencil while pointing out the tips in detail, very detailed. I processed it slowly while understanding it fully, I written down the steps while finally getting the answer as I jump out and said "yay". Everyone was looking at me as I sat back down with embarrassment.
I apologized to them as I continue to read some books for the upcoming examination. I sigh in frustration while thinking how hard it's going to be.

Add's POV
Time at the moment: while Ara is studying
I went back to my class while cloaking my dynamos, I gave of a mad grin because most problems are away what's left is that lullaby. I passed by the advance class while noticing her, both of our eyes met as I was shock and her reaction was plain emotionless. How did she followed me, dontvtell me she slip through the black hole back then?

I quickly walk away while over thinking on how is she here, in this school, more over alive. Was my calculations went wrong again by that time? Where is her core? She clearly remembered me and noe karma is going after me khuhuhuhhahahahaha amazing, truly amazing I'll see where this ends to. Glave you really want to end me so badly isn't it?

I laugh madly at the hallway with people starring at me, I gave them a glance as they look away. They fear me. This is always amusing for my eyes to see.

Chung's POV
Time stop: after Ara sat down

I look at Ara sat down with embarrassment from another table. She look so cute and dense like. I continued to read my book with a grin by the window at the corner of the library where less people are here. I steal a glance at Ara after some time while seeing her messing up and apologizing as I hold my laugh while reading back my book at a good chapter.

"Still reading?" Said someone as I turned to find out Echo is there eating her lollipop. I smiled at her while closing my book.

"Just finished a good part but still free to listen to your words." I said as she pull out her lollipop from her mouth while looking at me with the same look like the first time I met her, the look of an alchemist.

"Want to do another experiment in the lab? Wally has all the tools ready." She asked as I thought for a moment, maybe I have time. I nodded while getting off my spot as I walked along side her and went out the library. I steal a glance from Ara one last time finding out she was looking at me too, I smiled while walking out the door. Echo seemed to had notice as she jokingly whack my arm, I grunted a little while she laugh a little.

"Don't keep flirting with girls since you have a girlfriend already." She said jokingly as I smiled while shaking my head. "I broke up with her." I answered while she look at me with a shock look but soon became normal. She continued to eat her unfinished lollipop as I walked to the lab and finding out that Add was in there too. I smiled to him as he gave me a cold shoulder, I smiled anyway as I went towards the project we were doing for months, a new satellite made by our own, crazy eh?
I check the calculations and the steps are right, now we just need her for it's code. I picked up my cell phone I dialed her number and called her.

"Hello.." A soft cold voice said.
"Hello, it's Chung speaking. Would you come to the lab at onc-" she cut me of with a question before I finished
"Is Add there?"
"Yes..." I drifted off...
"I won't come." She said coldly as she hang up.

"Hello? Hellooo, Eve why did you hang uppp!!" I shouted while Echo look at me and shook her head.

"Don't bother her, she doesn't like Add after all, isn't that right Add?" She asked while glancing at him.

"Yeah... She really hates me don't know why though." He said while placing more data into the data base, I creep beside him while seeing him typing very quickly on the keyboard. Sound of the keyboard tapping made me feel at ease, probably because of the technology around me. I look towards Echo while she was seeing the project while thinking what to do next, I walked to see to find out she was making another thing, a canon bomb.

"What's this for Echo?" I asked as she took out her lollipop again.

"My newest creation for this satellite and safety it could rain down with a press of a button and it's easy to make it. Suits for you Chung." She said as my eyes gleamed with curiosity, a new explosive that rains down from the sky by a press of a button and also suits my cannon? Awesome~~~

"Please teach me how you do that Echo?!" I pleaded as she smiled.

"Sure of course! I'll upgrade your weapon too if you like, sure your father won't mind with the 50% succession rate right?" She asked as I nodded with a smile on my face. This is going to be the best day yet!

Add's POV
Tsk... So now he wants to follow his thinking, Tactical Trooper path, Satellite Rain.

This is going to be a pain if he uses that in wars. I stop typing while looking at them, they're really doing this and this will made a weapon for war no doubt. Hamel will stand tall and mighty for ages with Chung in the way. Isn't it what you intend to, Glave?

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