Chapter Nineteen

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A lil Eve x Add won't hurt right?

Add's POV
"So uhh... Eve... D-do you wanna hang out with me at Sandy's Shopping mall today?" I asked her with my cheeks heating up while trying hard not to look away at her gaze.

"Ummmm..... Sure. Let me just call my guardians first..." She said while taking her phone out and dialed a number, her face was bright pink and somehow looked cute. I look away while thinking, why was I so good? Not insane anymore? My smile turn into a frown when I saw a boy holding onto his mother's hand with a smile on his face. My memories flashed through me, hitting me with the sorrow I've felt before but soon ended when I felt her hand tapping on my shoulder.

"Hey are you alright?" She asked with a monotonous tone. I look at her eyes, her golden hollows eyes stared back at me. I believed that if I make a wrong move she's going to investigate more into it.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said coldly and look away. She held my hand and her head lowering.

"Don't keep thinking about the past Add, it's not going to change what had happened. At least don't be so selfish and blind ...." She said softly at the last part, I turn and look at her holding my hand tighter as I knew I hurt her deep inside.

I gave off a mad smirk and thought of something crazy, I pulled her into a passage way to my secret lab. I went into an abandon house with a door and close the door behind her. I could hear her scolding but I didn't care, I just wanted her to see my progress to my succession. I open the trap door underneath the old worn red rug, inside was a silver white tunnel. I look at Eve with mad expression, she gave off a glare at me and stood still.

"Why do you want to bring me here?" She asked as I laugh,

"Because I want to show you everything, also the way to bring us back to the place we've missed." I said as she understood instantly.

Oh Eve please just trust me this once to let me bring us all back to Elrios....

"Ladies first." I said while letting her go into the tunnel first as she slowly climb down using the ladder carefully. I heard her drop with a soft thud as I knew she was safely down. I climb down and covered the place like it was before and I close the trapdoor carefully. I climb down and landed on the ground with another soft thud by my shoes, I turn to look at her happily while she was busy looking at the place.

I held her again while leading her to the end of the tunnel, a silver plating door was there closed sealed. There was the lock there to make that safe place. I went towards it and type those numbers that I remembered so clearly as the door unlock and releasing some cold air from the room inside. I lead her inside with a mad grin.

"Welcome Eve to my secret laboratory where my secrets unfold!" I exclaimed as I turned towards the huge machine behind me to send us all back. It had a triangular shape steel bars stick together firmly onto the solid ground. A huge computer was set there along with my equipment to do so.

Eve stood there frozen like I knew she would, she snapped as she look towards me.

"Add.... Are you really going to use this to bring us all back? Which also means by sacrificing me into this gamble?" She asked sternly as I gave off a laugh by instant.

{ON HIATUS/STOP}[Elsword] His Life, Her LoveOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant