Chapter Eighteen

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Ara's POV
I turn on my phone again as I text Chung although I know it's going to be really awkward because you would hate the man that wanted to kill your brother right?

Before I could type anything, the ground darkened into a purplish flames as Aren came out from it while panting. He saw me as he got frightened and disappeared before I could do anything. I voice cracked as my hand which was out unnoticed, I pulled it back to me as I bit my lip in sadness and tucked myself to bed and didn't say anything towards Chung, Add nor Eun because I felt lost and lonely which made me not to beg towards anyone, anymore.

The next day
I woke up with my eyes pop open while the alarm was buzzing with it's vibrate. I loosen up as I off the alarm and got up. I look at myself at the mirror with a pale face crimson red eye on one side and orange one on the other. I shrugged and clean myself and wore something casual because it was a weekend. I wore my white sleeveless tank top, black leather jacket and shorts. I went down as I saw Eun was reading as usual as I hugged her.

"Morning Eun." I greeted while continued to hug her like a child as she smiled and stroke my hair.

"Morning Ara. Are you going out today?" She asked as I nodded. She went into her small pocket as she took out her hair pin and pass it to me. I took it as I tied my hair into a bun and stabbed it in gently. Or you could say like YR's style.

"Come with me Ara." She said as I tilt my head sideways.
"To... Where?" I asked as she giggled
"Shopping of course." She said as I jump up with excitement.
"I heard that there was a sales and the clothes are really nice and and and..."
"Come on Ara hurry up or we'll get the leftovers." Eun said by the door already set to go as I skipped my way there and wore my black leather boots that ends below my knees. Eun already got her car started and don't ask me how she got it, I have like no idea till now.

I got into her car as she drove us to the mall. I glance to her and seeing what she was wearing. A long sleeved white shirt which had a window opening and she was wearing a black short skirt. Her black stocking had cross laces patterns on it and somehow I just feel like wow, yes, a plain wow.

She drove like normal as there was an awkward silence between us. She broke it with a question.

"So..... You're not going to pick up that call?" She asked as I just noticed my phone was ringing for a while. I check and see it was Chung as I turn my phone off with a stressful sigh, seriously I want to be alone....

She stopped and parked her car in the shopping mall as both of us got out the car and walk into the mall. People were looking at us and somehow it was because of our clothing. I glance at Eun who was still putting on her cold reaction as we walk towards the clothes shop filled with clothing of any kind.

We look through a bunch and picking a bunch of them like any girl would while the others was too, picking and rushing for it. We got what we wanted as we lined up with the slow long line in front. Both of us giggled when we saw each other's stack as we just gossiped about stuff like a normal girl would do. It was finally our turn as we both put down the high stacks of clothes with the cashier staring at it like his eyes about to pop out. We chuckled again as I took out my membership card and gave it to him when he's done as he took it and swipe it across the scanner with a beep.

"1k ED Miss Haan." He said towards me as I get my purse out again to take the money but Eun stopped me before I could. She took out her gold credit card as I stared at her along with the cashier who was also staring. People around us also stared at her while she just gave off a smirk. The cashier held it uneasily as he insert it inside the scanner for credit card (tbh idk wat u call that .-.) As he waited for the receipt to come out.

Moments later as the receipt came out as he gave her back the card and I took the bags along with hers. She kept it back into her purse and walked happily. I smiled as I followed her to the carpark to put these bags into the backseat. She opened it with the car clicking sound from the car, she opened it as I put all of them into the backseat which is now filled with it. She close the door and locked it while I was standing beside her looking at my phone filled with miss calls from either Add or Chung. I grumbled a little while Eun noticed it quickly, she wrapped her hands around our shoulder and gave off a mysterious smile. I stared at her as she brought us both into the mall and dragged me along to a restaurant that was famous for it's food is delicious.

Maroon red walls with patterns on it, the pale golden chairs were unusually suited for this theme while I walk passed them, the wooden floor made our heels click and clack with our steps being interrupted by the people there eating and enjoying themselves. And then I noticed this was actually Chinese oriental theme they set up with, the lanterns lights, brightly lit room but with the dark walls it seems like it's dimly lit. The waitress showed us to our places as we sat down, while I was busy noticing about this place Eun already started to drop down her order on the tab provided at the side of the table.

"Ara, what do you want to eat?" She asked softly as I look at her blankly while taking the menu on the table and flip through the pages.

Woah, all of these food are expensive but they look tempting to eat it. I thought while one dish caught my eye.

"This one please." I said to Eun while pointing at the dish as she smiled warmly and nodding. She chose it in the tablet and look back at me.

"You didn't ate this in a long time, right Ara?"
"Yeah.... Mom used to love to make these."
"Yeah..... She always had."

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