Chapter 19

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I get up from the couch and I walk into my bathroom. I take my clothes off and I get into the shower . I look down and I start to see blood.
Just fucking fantastic

I wash myself clean and I blow dry my thick curly, black hair . I barely flat iron my hair and I leave the waves in my hair.

I grab my Nike leggings and a gray tank top. I put on a bomber and i grab my white roshe.

I pick up my phone to see my messages .

From Hayes - hey can I come over I just want to talk.

i dont reply him but i leave him on read. G dont catch feelings again he played you once and he can play you again. I hear a knock on the door and I open it .
"Hey Gia ," he says I can tell something is up.
I let him in and we go to my basement

"So what do u wanna watch?"

"Anything but romance," he mumbles

"What's up with you," I ask.


"Tell me!"





"That's not funny Hayes , you better be telling the truth ," I say folding my hands together .

"I'm starting cemo soon , I won't be coming to school anymore ," he says looking down .

At that moment I knew what he needed and it is me . I walk over to him and I hug him . He hugs me back and I cry in his arms . He starts soothing me trying to make me calm down put I just can't .

I collapse to the floor with my hands on my face balling . My hands are so wet for all the tears. Hayes needs by me and wipes my tears away and gives me a tissue.

"It's ok Gia everything is going to be ok"

"How can you say that ," I sob


We watch several movies and he tells me he had a great time and that he's glad he came over . After he leaves I sit in my bed thinking of all the things that make Hayes smile when I get watch him.
I caught feelings even when I told myself it is a lie .

Bruised love: Hayes gWhere stories live. Discover now