Chapter 30

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I just wanna say thank you for all the votes and reads❤️

5 days later :

"Do you want anything, anything at all," my mom says. After what happened I've been pretty much in my room I haven't ate and that's surprising . Ya girl love food.
Hayes comes by everyday but of course he can't come in NO ONE CAN except for my mom.
My vision is extremely blurry and all I can see is Cameron on the floor .
Did I karate kick him in the balls ??
He's bleeding , I sit up completely my head hurts and I feel weak . Other than that nothing hurts like physically which means I wasn't raped.
Thank the lord
When I look over I see the one and only .
This is when it gets cheesy AF

"What the fuck is going on?" I'm honestly so confused about why I'm not dead and why Cameron is on the floor .
I watch as Hayes and 3 police officers rush into the apartment .

Ok what did I miss?
Lemme guess.
Cameron tried to rape me
He failed
Hayes came to the rescue (like always)
Someone called the police
And I'm over here thinking.
I'm surprised I still have some sense of humor .
A super and I mean super muscular police woman picks me up and I get inside the ambulance car. I'm laying on the bed connected to some machine .
Uhh I'm fine???

I go to wipe the sweat of my head when I feel a big bump on my head. DAMMMN.

I close my eyes as I feel someone put a bandage . Over my head . I close my eyes and fall asleep.

End of fladhback:///

I throw my covers off me and I look in the mirror .
I look like I've been hit with a bag of pennies .
I have bags under my eyes and I have a bandage on the right of my head . It itches too . Fuck my life.
I hear knock on the door .

It's my mom .
She comes in and scans me over .
She takes a long breathe .
"Gia ," my mom calls.
I turn away from the mirror and I look at her .
"What we're you doing at that Man'd house ?" She says .
" he was my boyfriend or atleast I thought ," I say looking down.
"Gia that guy is an adult what the fuck were you thinking !" She yells .
"Do you know what would have happend if the police weren't called , do you know what that would do to me , I would be devastated!" She screams .

"I'm sorry mom ," I say .

"You better be , give me your phone , you are grounded until you leave this house !" She says .

"Ok mom," to my surprise I'm calm , I'm sad and all how I made my family feel and all , but I would do the same if my daughter did that , in surprised she didn't beat my ass lol.

She hugs me tightly and walks out my room.
"Dinner will be ready soon," she says slowly closing the door behind her .

My mom said that Cameron was charged with assault , attempting sexual assault.
They don't know when he will be going to court but now they are holding him in the county jail.

I will be updating tm so don't worry my hoes JK . Btw shoutout to my best hoe Brooke because she promised she wouldn't read but I bet she did . ❤️❤️❤️

Bruised love: Hayes gWhere stories live. Discover now