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To the following kinglets;


Those are my favorite kinglet fans. Thank you for supporting me. I will be updating the rest of my Fanfictions soon... I am very busy and more ideas keep flooding into my wonderful head. School and work keeps me busy.


Alex sits having her green tea reading her lines for later performance. Alex's husband, Jonathan Stamps, wakes up noticing Alex sitting in her favorite blue chair reading. Alex and Jon were going through their midlife crisis. They didn't talk much. Jon  wanted Alex to lie with him always in bed, and Alex didn't want that for herself. The other night Alex and Jon went to a party, and Jon didn't know that Alex was a drinker for pop who loved to be weird. She was just having fun, while Jon didn't say anything that night. Alex and Jon got into a huge argument the other night coming home. Alex's party had her friend's from Doctor Who, and Matt was seen having fun with Alex that night of the party. Both of these people were very drunk and just having fun. "Jon needs to lighten up," says Alex Kingston to herself.

" Good morning, love. What's for breakfast?" Says Jon to his wife sitting in her favorite spot having tea. Alex finished her one line when River enters into the TARDIS with the Doctor. Jon was leaning over Alex's shoulder with the coffee pot cup in his hand reading Alex's parts for Doctor Who. Alex looks up and sees Jon looking down at her acting sheet. Alex says, " What did you say, Jonathan?" Jon says, " Nothing, I just wanted to know what was for breakfast?" Alex smirks a smile like she's up to no good. Jon says, "No Alex, please not today." Alex got up and said, " It's only us, though, sweetie." Jon slipped up saying, angrily, " DANG IT, RIVER!" Alex stepped back realizing she'd over stepped her boundaries. Jon went to the kitchen to make some food for himself. Alex saw that Jon still kept a grudge against her since the other night. So Alex went to the kitchen and said, " Jon, I'm sorry what I did last night at the party. Matt and I don't have history together. We aren't even together." Alex just realized that she had said too much and closed her mouth. Jon continued to make himself pancakes while saying, " Alex, baby.... Um... those are all excuses, and I saw how you two were. Oh, he was kissing you in places I don't even want to rehash." Alex nodded yes with sad eyes that were about to cry. Jon continued to say " Alex the one thing you have right know is either you quit Doctor Who or we quit being married." Alex said " Well, I never! But you!!! Oh my!!!!" Alex stomped out of the room in disgust. Then that's when Salome rang.

Alex picked up the phone taking it into the other room and slamming the bedroom door.
Jon yelled, " YOU'RE NOT GETTING AWAY WITH THIS!" Alex put the phone down on the bed yelling, back,"JONATHAN GUY STAMPS, YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!" Alex was ticked off and picked the phone up again while hearing Jon stomping through the house to get to Alex. Hearing him coming Alex quickly used the bolts on the side of the door. Jonathan said, laughing upsetly, " Alexandra Elizabeth Kingston, open this door." Alex continued to talk with her daughter. Salome says, " Mum, is everything ok?" Alex says," Oh, everything is alright." Salome says, " Really, because you don't sound alright." Alex says, " Salome, sweetie, you stay at your friend's house for the night. I'm going to stay at Karen's, ok?" Salome says, " Yes, mummy." Salome and Alex hang up. Alex grabs her personal whip, so that if Jonathan slaps her she can hurt him. Alex unlocks the door, and sees Jon with a cook-book in his hands. Jon says, " Can we not fight, please. Where did you get that whip?" Alex laughed saying," Spoilers." Jon laughed it off but really in his eyes he was raging with madness. Alex said, " What do you intend to do with me?" Jon said, " Well, I was going ask if you know how to start this pancake machine." Alex laughed even more at the fact that Jon didn't know how to turn on a pancake maker. Alex went over and showed Jon how to turn it on when his hands slid on Alex's hips. Alex turned around still kind of mad at John. Alex slapped his hands away saying " Oi, Jon!" Alex felt offended and went to her room. Jonathan finished his breakfast then he went to ask when Salome was coming home. Alex said " She asked if she could stay another night at her friend's house, and I told her she could." Jon said " Oh." He sounded disappointed when he said it. Alex said " Jon, I'm going to take a vacation for couple of days. Please just... don't follow me." Jon said " Is there something I've done? I thought we were not gonna fight." Alex said " Um.... Uh.... just don't." Alex grabbed her suit case and her script while heading out the door.

Hope this is good. Don't worry I will update the rest. Please comment and vote my Kinglets. Thanks!

Hands to MyselfTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon