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------- Don't even know my last name -----

Alex was slowly awakening from her long knock out when she didn't recognize the dark black cell walls. She thought she had been filming but maybe that was a dream, she hoped so.....
After sitting on a hard mental like cot thinking where was she at. All Alex could recall was being hit on the head with something sharp. Then she started to panic that maybe she died and went to Heaven but Heaven wouldn't be so cold and dark. Or maybe so?
Alex still pondered about where she was. Maybe she was having a bad dream and not waking up. She went back to the thought about Heaven and remembered what she told a fangirl along time ago at a con about that she was never going to Heaven, and Hell was the last place she wanted. Alex figure she wasn't dreaming but in someone's basement but whose? Then someone or something was talking as coming down the long hall outside where she was. At first Alex thought it was Matt, but Matt would never do this to her. Listening closely to the voices Alex went to the bars someone in a navy blue outfit was waving to someone else beyond the doorway leading up yonder. The person in navy blue came closer to Alex's cell not looking at Alex. Alex back away from the cell door thinking the lady was coming in. The lady didn't go in but threw a ball of food at Alex's general direction. Alex went to speak but the lady was gone. Where was she? How did she get here? Alex thought she had to be dreaming because Britain and the rest of the nation's didn't treat their prisoners this way, anymore. Alex figured she'd go back to sleep on her green mossy cot, at least she had something. Alex deepened into sleep, and she dreamt she was going out with Matt to a fancy party and sneaking away to find a good room to "play in."

In the middle of the night someone was in Alex's house unfortunately Alex was so sound asleep she didn't wake to the loud noise in her basement. She rolled over to breathe in some smokey air that was coming from her window which lead to her basement. Alex quickly shot out of bed and ran out of the room while putting her robe; she followed the smell to her basement where some of her books were burning. On a side table was a nicely written note saying.....

" I'll be back. We are not done, Alexandra Elizabeth Kingston or is it Smith now?" - Jonathan Stamps

Alex flipped the note over and nothing on the other side of the white scrap. Alex thought while putting out her small fire that was close to her house, Who was Jonathan and why did he want to rob her. It was very late and she decided to go to bed because her cranium wasn't working quite right at this odd hours of the night. Alex went to the bathroom and took the note back upstairs to her bedroom to look at this in the morning.

---------------------------- In the morning unexpected arrives.... -------------------------------------

Alex sipped her usual green tea and ready her lines for her next performance in the famous Doctor Who show. Suddenly a hard knocking noise came from her door. She set her warm tea on the table next to her along with her script; she continued to walk towards the door before Alex opened it she looked through the peek hole. Seeing as it was Matt she opened the door; Alex caught Matt as he clasped into her hands. She dragged him to the couch when Matt dramatically said, " Thank God your alright, Alex!" Alex seemed surprised but figured someone heard about her last nights break in, so she began to answer saying, " Matt, what do you mean?" Matt happened to see the tv remote sitting idol on the section next to him, so he turned to the station that had Alex's name all over it. The news reporter said:

" We interrupt our normal news room with some sad news a Ms Alex Kingston has been robbed as of last night we managed to shoot some footage from this back road. As you see in that video, Nora, you can see that the black car backing out into the street had stole something which is vaint to see from our view that seemed to...."

Matt cut the tv off there while saying, " Where were you?" Alex said, " Well, alseep.... Why?" Matt said, " They didn't hurt you, did they?" Alex thought for a moment then spoke, " I smelled smoke so I went to the basement and... OH NO!" Alex ran to her bedroom looking for the note she had found, and Matt leaned over Alex's shoulder to see what she ran to get. Matt said, " Alex, that's your ex- husband.... But what would he want?" Alex sighed before speaking silence fell for a moment and then she answered saying, " Matt, I think he wants to get revenge for me loving someone better." Matt said trying to think of something better in response. Matt looked down at Alex and answered with, " Maybe he just wants to talk." Alex said angry at the stupid answer from her future husband, " Matt, if he wanted to talk don't you think maybe he would mail me or slide a note under my door and ask to meet somewhere to talk. INSTEAD of stealing your sports jacket from last week or my big butt couch!" Matt stood speechless for a moment.

( Someone congratulate me for not swearing in this paragraph: " ....... or my big 'butt' couch"; I could have put a$$, as most actors do in dramatic situations. Yay me! XD)

Alex and Matt continue to walk down the stairs to look towards the police for this incident. Matt said, " Alex, you should be with me for the next couple of weeks." Alex was silent but was thinking about her confusing dream she had and wondered if she tell Matt right know. Matt saw the thinking plotting face that Alex had on and spoke," What's wrong Alex?" Alex said, " Nothing is wrong."

Sorry for the short passage but some people are begging for more as I am. Yes, I enjoy reading my own fan-fictions. Yeah, call me weird or odd but I enjoy reading my works to update myself on what to write. Thank you for all your wonderful support and letting me feel loved. It's nice to hear from you all. =)

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