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Alex hasn't seen Matt in a while as we see.... So how does he win his long love back?
Matt is still single, and they did have the child together.

We're all stories in the end....

Hadn't been long until Alex and Matt got back together again. Meanwhile the party goes on downstairs, two love birds get to know each other more then before. Matt sees Alex laying in between the blanks of the covers of the bed saying, " You haven't changed much." Alex says chuckling, " You haven't changed either, darling." Matt gets into bed with Alex hugging her close while saying, " I still haven't found any one else that makes me as happy as you, Alex." Alex blushes, but it's not readable to see. Matt says flirting, " Your blushing!" Alex thinks to herself, " Still my Matt that innocent little man." Matt snuggles into Alex's bed sheets hugging her close while saying, " Would you marry me?" Alex seems to hesitate for a bit but then Salome comes in with a baby on her hip saying, " What sort of time do you call this?" Alex and Matt sit up still in a hugging bond while listening to Salome go off. Salome sees the bathroom door open to her mother's room. After Salome waits down stairs for her soon to be parents Alex and Matt get ready to blow the candles; cut the cake watching old reunion videos of everyone's family. After some time..... Alex brings out her granddaughter's birthday presents with the help of Matt. As Matt goes to help Alex he watches Alex bend over to pick up the presents and take them out to the excited child in the high chair that has turned six years old. Alex grabs a hand full of presents while winking at Matt and giving him the biggest present. Alex says teasing, " Walk with me, Darling." Placing the presents near the child watching the candles blow out on the little boy's bright minion cake. After the reunion was over everyone left Alex's house but Matt stayed to help clean, as usual.

You never get tired of that best friend.....

As Alex went to the kitchen to clean the rest of the dishes. Matt followed as always. When Alex was in the middle of cleaning her kitchen she saw Matt take the trash out. While Matt went out to help Alex out a little, and when Matt came back he said, " So how about you marry me?" Alex laughed while saying, " You never give up do you." Matt got down on one knee while grabbing Alex's hands and grabbing the ring out of his pocket. Alex pulled away saying, " I don't accept. Not yet Matt." Alex walked out of the kitchen to the family room to clean it instead. Matt ran out to find Alex saying, " Alex, if you wait then you probably will never see me or even get a chance to marry me." Alex turns around with a white garbage bag saying, " Who said I wanted to marry you. Other then yourself. Do you even know if I love you that way. Love, Matt you made me get divorced because Jonathan...." Alex's voice travelled off. Matt said, " Alex don't you DARE blame me for your relationships! That was your doing. Next time maybe you should choice who allow to a party or better YET don't marry morons!" Matt dropped his ring taking Alex's arm flinging her to the couch pinning her to the couch by saying, " You can't have me because you know that I'm to good for you, but the real big problem is that we would both have fangirls going crazy." Alex started to laugh knowing that to be true. Matt said still pinning Alex to the couch, " Hold on a minute," Matt went to grab the ring off of the floor. When he grabbed the floor seeing that Alex was laughing even more now. Matt put the ring on Alex's ring finger saying, " Now your married to me, and also we have a comic con coming up. So get dressed and packed. After we clean this up." Alex took the ring off saying, " What would everyone say. I can just see the head lines in the mail Old women marries the famous Matt Smith. Matt I can't and will not go through it again." Matt became sad while saying, " Alex Kingston, the love of my life, why do you resent me." Alex said, " It's not your fault it's nobodies faults. I just can't have depression any more." Matt said, " You won't." Alex threw the garbage bag down saying, " Don't.... just don't follow me!" Matt followed anyway saying, " I don't understand why you don't want me for a mate." Alex turned raising her hand in a quiet notion for Matt.

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