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Hope this getting good. I don't know how I'm doing. I would update my other books but I'm kind of bored with them. Especially with the Mark xx Jack. I'm not into Jack and Mark, only cause they swear too much. Some of you may disagree but I don't like them as much as I like Daz_Black. He's very cute and funny. Oh and British! Please enjoy the following..... I really needed to tag this book #Wattys2016. I also wanted awesome people to read it:

Party time
Unsuspected guests

Alex had bought a new dress with Karen earlier in the day. The time had come that she would meet Matt alone at a party with wild music and gaming. Karen was in her room getting dressed for the party and Matt texts Karen.

Matt - " (^;M;^) Can someone please take me to the dance, because Lilly just broke up with me."

Karen - "Yes, I have someone. "

Karen yells across the hall saying " Alex!"
Alex opens her door a crack saying " Yes, Karen."
Karen yells saying " Can you grab the keys off the counter!?" Alex says " Yes."

Karen goes back to her phone which was left on the sofa in her large room saying, to Matt on the other end of the phone, lying about what she just yelled, " Yea, Alex would be glad to pick you up."

Matt - Great. Thanks Karen.

Karen - No problem.

Matt and Karen hang up while Karen finishes getting dressed. Karen walks out in a short red mini dress with black high heels. Karen says " Alex, I'm meeting my boyfriend in a minute to drive me to the party. Matt needs a ride because of something crazy happened." Alex says " Sure." Alex and Karen go out to the porch and Karen sees her ride. Karen leaves leaving Alex by herself. Alex takes off to grab Matt.

Same Old Love

Alex pulls into Matt's drive noticing a man in a greenish grey suit and tie with a Lilly James sitting by him talking with Matt. They seemed mad about something as Alex went to grab Matt. Alex was walking up to Matt's porch but who does she see....
She sees Jonathan holding Lilly's hand. Alex wasn't really in the right to be going to a party with Matt. Alex was quiet. Matt and Lilly go inside leaving Jonathan alone with Alex. Alex sits down within distant of Jonathan. Jonathan speaks up saying " It's not what it looks like." Alex nods her head saying, quietly, " You probably want to know why I'm here." Jonathan says " I know why your here, Alex, because you love him." Alex said, getting upset, " I do not love Matt. He said he needed a ride to a party." Jonathan said " Why are you looking like your going to a party?" Alex said " Jon, your with your lover." Jonathan said " Lilly is my step daughter just to let you know." Alex said " Jonathan, I know you long enough to know that.... that is not your daughter!" Jonathan says " How would you know, Alexandra Elizabeth Kingston." Matt listened to the door before going out. Lilly went out before Matt with lemonade for the couple arguing. Alex cleared her throat before speaking saying " Jon, you can clearly see you weren't married before me, and also she doesn't look like you." Jonathan said " I'm leaving and if I or Salome see your face around again it's gonna have problems." Alex got up to yell at her upset husband going down the porch steps saying " IF YOU KIDNAP MY DAUGHTER I WILL COME AFTER YOU!" Jonathan said, mad and running up the porch steps, " If I see you, Alexandra Kingston, I will have peaches and throw them at you!" Alex said " you don't scare me, love." Jonathan said " I will make you pay." Matt came out with the drinks when noticing Alex crying. Matt sat next to Alex with two drinks in his hands. Alex said " Matt, please stay out of this." Lilly hovered over Alex and Matt saying " What happened?" Alex said " I'll tell you what is happening, sweeties. Jonathan doesn't forgive me for my mistakes." Matt said " I think I know what is happening and Lilly you need to leave because your parents will be here in a minute." Lilly got her shawl together getting ready to leave. When Lilly left, Matt took Alex inside.
( Which is a big mistake to take a married women inside your house guys. Am I right?)
Matt and Alex ended up going to the party eventually.

Red Love

Alex steps out of the expensive car with a roll down roof with hearing *boom* *boom* in the background. Seeing women having fun in some games and men talking over an American football game. Alex and Matt walk into the room with people swimming everywhere. Alex and Matt go out by a pool lite by moonlight. Alex and Matt didn't get to the party until early at night. Matt noticed that Alex had fallen asleep on his shoulder while they sat by the pool. David Tenant and his wife, Georgia Moffat, walked over noticing cute couple complex. David joked quietly minding Alex sleeping saying " I just have to joke about this but it looks like Alex has joined her future date tonight." Georgia Moffat said " Hello Matt, how are you enjoying your night?" Matt said, to David first, then to Georgia, " Get out of here, David. I'm doing well, Georgia. Tell David to get lost." David went off laughing. Georgia said " Yes I will, Matt. Alex has been having a tough relationship, lately." Matt said " Yes she has." Karen found her way over to Matt and Georgia. Karen had a diet cola in her hand and saw the romantic relationship. Karen said " Awe, how romantic." Arthur came over holding a cola drink in his hand saying " Oh that's where you went." Karen said, hitting Arthur loving, " Yea, stupid! Our stage daughter is being awed at. So shut it!" Arthur said " Father like daughter! Eh guys!" Everyone looked at Arthur saying " SHH!" Arthur said " Ok ok." Karen took Arthur's hand. Karen and Arthur were best friends know and Arthur was dating Karen know too. Alex shifted her head on Matt's shoulder saying " Hello Darling. How long was I out?" Alex never called Matt by his proper name it was always darling. Matt said " You have company, Alex, and you were out for...." Matt looks at his watch in the dark looking towards the pool lights. Karen says, looking over at the wall clock, " For a half hour." Alex yawns and says " Oh." Arthur says, humbly, " You looked cute on Matt's shoulder. Alex smiles at Arthur. Arthur said " What!? She did." Karen squeezes Arthur's hand in a quietly manner to shut his mouth. Arthur decides to walk away to get another cola.

Alex took Matt's hand saying " I think you are my greatest friend anyone could have. Don't ever think that your not. You have helped me so much." Matt said " Thank you, Alex. I think your a wonderful friend." Alex kissed Matt's cheek lightly. Matt said " Alex, can you or do you want to.... um.... go.... to the movies tomorrow with Karen and Arthur?" Alex said " Of course, I would love to go to the movies with you, darling." " Thanks. Now, ever, since we met on Doctor Who I felt a bit embarrassed to kiss you, because your like my mom," says Matt to Alex with a nervous voice. Matt hugged Alex as a friend. Alex says, changing the subject, " Let's go join Karen and the rest before they spread rumours." Matt said " I think they've already done that." Alex chuckled thinking that they were already posted all over the internet.

Walking into the main hall, a football league game was on and Alex looks over at Matt hooked on the tv. Alex turned her attention to Karen looking over at Alex. Matt sees that his hand was empty without Alex's there. Matt looks around for Alex seeing her back turned to Karen talking about girly things. Alex flicks her curly hair to the back of her. Matt shakes his head trying to not think about Alex but instead turns back to the game. Alex and Karen go to the lounges and sip on tea.

At the lounges, Karen says " So how's Matt? Tell me details." Alex says " he's nice. Very young. To young for me to date because that's where he's heading with me. I'm just gonna keep this to friends, Karen." Karen says " oh!?" Karen shifts her head in optimistic looks towards Alex. Alex says, chuckling, " I've found my love. He's the one upset with me." Karen says " you seem to enjoy having that relationship. Just my opinion." Alex says " Karen, you haven't dated Matt have you?" Alex changes the subject because she really doesn't find her husband attractive but it's enough to keep Karen off of her about Matt. Later on after the party Alex goes back to her place to relax and maybe even try to talk with her husband.

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