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Fighting at last..... Alex had recovered nicely since her surgery with her kidneys. Matt dropped by earlier to ask if she had any milk. Alex was getting tired of his laziness and told him this," Matt, Your being lazy. Go buy yourself milk!" Matt didn't agree with this so he said angrily, " What is your problem for the last time we aren't even married yet so I can date others. This isn't about the milk. I know you to well." Alex said, " Get out! Just go! If you don't appreciate me any more then out!" Matt said standing with his hand to hip, " Your so rude! You call my girl a slut. How about I call you one since all I ever hear is how beautiful it would be to sleep with me." Alex said, " Matt if you don't get out of my house I will call the cops!" Alex was serious she about to call them when Matt slams the front door before saying while leaving, " Alex, Your messing with the wrong dude. You'll pay for this." Alex said yelling, " BYE ASSHOLE!" Matt can back in saying, " What did you call me?" He stood really close to her nose when Alex said, " You heard me." Matt says very upset with Alex, " Alex, don't you ever contact me ever! If I see your messages or texts or anything I will make sure the police contact you." Alex swallowed hard then put the phone down while sitting down watching Matt go out the front door slamming it shut. Very hurt by this Alex lays on her couch for days not calling anyone or visiting people. Karen called twice in couple of weeks but Alex replied to no one. Eventually, Arthur came over along with Jenna Coleman aka Clara. Jenna rang the door bell seeing Alex cleaning her living room of her flat. Alex answers the door saying, " Hello Jenna," trying to read the expressions on Jenna's face Alex asked what she thought to be simple question, " Before I let you in are you dating Matt?" Jenna said, " Why? Your concerning me." Alex said (or what I should of said) , Why do you need to know how I know him? Is he like your lover cause you've never cared before about me why know?" Jenna said, " No I'm not dating him we are just friends. Now can I come in?" Alex said and thought for a moment saying this, " You can't come in. I don't allow this type of behaviour to go on in my house." Jenna quickly added with this answer, " I am just concerned with Matt that's all as a friend would." Alex really got pissed off with this comment she made, so without further ado Alex shut the door. Jenna didn't move from her spot and said through the peep hole, " Come on Alex. This isn't fair. I don't love him as you do. Please let me in." Alex didn't say anything more she quickly bolted the door locked shut, so no one could come in. Jenna left after sitting on the front steps for a few minutes thinking about why Alex should be so mad at her. Alex got a phone call from Karen later on in the evening while Alex has dinner in front of her. Karen said, " Alex, I hope your not dead cause that would make me cry. Anyway, if you get this message....." Alex picked the phone up and said, " Don't call me," while hanging up Karen text Alex's iPhone. Alex read the message saying this, " Alex Kingston, Your my best friend and why would you think I've dated Matt. He's an ass and no one cares for him as you do. Please answer me. I actually thought you were at work today for rehearsal but Steven told me you weren't." Arthur sat in Alex's driveway watching from the review mirror as Alex comes out with her small whip in her pocket in case she needed to use it. Arthur saw her coming towards him and saw her put the whip in her pocket he said out loud without Alex hearing, " Awe Sh!t!!" Arthur quickly pulled out of site and raced out of Alex's driveway. Alex knew her whip would scare Arthur cause he usually got scared. Later on Alex had Karen over, and they talked for a long while.

Karen sat up in her chair before going to Alex's kitchen to make some tea for them both. Alex and Karen were very good friends. Alex said, " How come you don't love Matt?" Karen said, " Alright Alex, if you love him because he looks cute then you shouldn't do that also my observation is that he is moving on." Alex said, " Your right I know. I moved and he's upset." Karen sat down saying, " Your probably right but I believe he's young and wants to have freedom." Alex said, " Oh," saddened by this. Matt had called earlier in the day but Alex didn't answer instead Karen picked it up saying, " Hello?" Matt said, " Is Alex there?" ( Man, I wish this was it for me.) Karen said, " Why do you want to know where she's at, Matt?" Matt hangs up with a sudden click. Karen says under her breathe, " Shit head." After the day with Karen and making Alex feel a little better about herself Karen goes out with Alex to shop and hang out together.

Sorry this was dark. It's hard to update and edit all at the same time. Hope you enjoyed it. I have summer school know so yeah.

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