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After work Karen went home. Alex and Jonathan seemed to be having a good day until..... Jonathan made stink about the cosplay. Alex stopped her reading saying, " Jon, how come your having so many issues with me? This isn't like you." Jonathan said, " I'm just stressed out about my book I'm publishing, also I need more time to think about you. Because of our conversations for the last few weeks I feel as if you don't love me." Alex spoke softly, " I love you Jonathan. More then the world can tell. What's wrong with your book?" Jonathan said, " I'm still upset about Matt. You seem to be taking a liking to him." Alex said, " I don't love him. You make it like I should but I don't. I am only friends with him." Jonathan mumbles to himself saying, " Yes more then friends though." Alex hears what Jonathan mumbles and can't understand why he thinks this of her. She's never the one who's cheated. Jonathan says, " Alex if I take you out to dinner will you please stop seeing Matt." Alex relented this and said, " Why do I have stop seeing Matt? I know why what I mean is that your wanting me to stop because of you pet peeve, " Alex shifted her book and sipped on her coffee while listening to why Jonathan hated Matt so much. Jonathan got up to go to his room saying, " I am not going to explain because we've already been down this road. You already know what my feelings are." Alex said, " No I don't think I do," Alex got up to put her cup in the kitchen, " Jonathan, we are finished. No don't speak because the last time we've tried this we hurt each other, and, so this when I draw the line." Jonathan wanted to whine, but he could tell his wife was done with him. Jonathan said, " That's wonderful. It's a great! I'm glad your proving my point that marrying your **ck boy is the thing for you." Alex said lost her temper at this point in the conversation, " Jonathan Guy Stamps! If I hear something like that out of your mouth again I will shut it for you!" Jonathan said, " Oh is that a promise? Or are you just b**ching again." Alex got up out of her chair and reached over to her cell phone calling the police. Jonathan chucked the phone out of her hand pushing Alex down in her chair yelling at her strong hurtful words. Then Alex screamed, since the police were still on the phone. The police said, " Ma'am, we are on our way." Jonathan went over to the phone saying, " Yes, is this the police. We are fine my wife is fine," Jonathan made an evil smile towards his wife which was still having an angry attitude. Jonathan hung up with the police while grabbing duct tape to tape his wife to her chair.


Alex screamed so loud that her neighbors came running over

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Alex screamed so loud that her neighbors came running over. Jonathan locked the door while saying, " Your not going anywhere, Alex." Alex got out of her chair grabbing her phone and a knife from the top draw. Jonathan said, " I'd like to see you hurt me since I have twice the strength of you." Alex saw that the back door was open, so she ran out the back dropping the knife as she ran. Jonathan dropped the duct tape running so fast after Alex. Alex ran out her car but forgot she locked it. She looked behind her seeing Jonathan. Alex ran faster she'd ever ran to her neighbor named Novella Smith. Novella was the cousin to Matt. She'd been friends with Alex for a long time. Alex was Novella's bridesmaids, and even though Alex was older then Novella by a long shot. Novella answered the door seeing Alex out of breathe and fearful of something. Novella went to ask what was wrong with Alex, but Alex said, " No time... to explain do you have a basement?" Alex wasn't thinking clearly since she'd been over Novella's house a dozen times. Novella said while letting Alex in, " Why do you ask? You know where it is." Alex said out of breathe still, " If you love me; trust me, then you'll lock that door and every door along with every window in this house." Novella did as Alex requested as any best friend would. Then Novella grabbed some food and headed down to her basement to see Alex.

What happens to Jonathan in the end of all this turmoil? Does he end up going to the prison? Or does he have to divorce his wife? What will Alex do?

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