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Let's see if Matt walks away with his bride.

Beautiful, Dirty, Rich

Alex woke up laying on top of Matt with her shirt half open. Matt snorted and turned his head. Alex rolled off of Matt thinking, " What in the world did we do last night?" Alex went to the bathroom to change. While she was putting on her make up she saw grey stretch marks in her eyes. Alex put make up on shaking her head around to the door seeing a sleepy Matt bed head standing in the door. Alex said, " Did I wake you?" Matt said wiping his eyes from sleep, " No," Matt went to the kitchen still sleepy he decided a beer was an orange juice, which the orange juice was what he thought he got. Alex came out with her luggage and put it on the couch. Matt said scratching his head, " How come your leaving?" Alex says with a concerning expression, " I have to. I have a daughter and a lawyer to meet today." Matt said, " Why don't you just live with me, since you want to marry me anyway." Alex starts to laugh while saying, " Matt, it's not that easy." Matt said, " I'm coming with you." Alex said walking over to Matt pressing up to him, " Darling, sorry to disappoint you but I need to think this through." Matt lightly kisses Alex on the lips letting her know he's still there for her while saying, " You know I love you though, so if you ever need any help I'm here. Karen, Steven Moffat and all our friends are there for you." Alex said, " I need to take care of this myself. You all have been a great help." Matt nods his head while Alex goes out his door.
Alex wants so badly to just say yes to Matt's proposal but something tells her that she should wait. Matt looks out his window watching Alex's car drive away.

Fast Car

A couple of years go bye and no word from Alex on how she's doing until maybe it's to late. Matt hadn't heard how she'd been doing or anything from that day Alex had her big out break with Jonathan. Alex had been living a lonely life. Her daughter was married know and having a life of her own. Alex was one day going through her phone book organizing her house for her big reunion with her family. Alex had been divorced from Jonathan some time know. Alex had some moments where she thought of Matt but then had to shake him out of her mind or else she'd cry. That night when she'd made out with Matt the rumour was that she was pregnant with his child which only Alex knew the truth that she was. Alex had a little girl named Willow Melody Smith, but the girl never revealed who she was because Alex wanted her to keep it a secret. So til this day Willow has never had a last name only Alex knows her last name. Salome doesn't even know her mother had a child. Willow was sent to an orphanage because Alex couldn't have the conflict with the press, and Matt asking all the time what happened to his child.

Today of all days Alex decided to call her old friend, Matt, to say hello and invite him over. Alex thought, " How young and stupid I was." She came across some younger pictures from when Matt was in her life. Flashes of memories came back to a women that rejected her lover. Now she was 58 yrs old and growing older with time.

Matt starred at this phone number for a while til answering. Matt spoke with caution saying, " Hello?" Alex said, " Hello Darling, " she had a sadness in her voice from all the past experiences. Matt quickly picked up on who this was saying, " I know who this is its Alex! Hello Alex," Matt was so happy to hear from someone special. Alex said, " I was doing some house cleaning when I came across some old phone numbers and pictures of us." Matt and Alex went back to old times and became good friends once again. After the long conversation of getting her best friend back she invited him to the reunion.

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