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Friend's houses.

Alex got away from Jonathan that day to spend the night at Karen Gilligan's home. Karen had basically adopted Alex into her home as she was family on Doctor who. So it made it perfect. Alex spent that night at Karen's and this is how it went.

Alex steps into Karen's flat with all her luggage. Karen says, " What's wrong, Mrs Kingston?" Alex says, " Jon and I have been getting into fights, because he saw me with Matt the other night at the party. Anyway, Karen, he thinks Matt and I have a thing for each other." Karen sits down next to Alex saying, " And do you?" Alex says, sighing, " No, we don't. We were both drinking that night, and we both know how we are when we do that." Karen laughed about this situation. Alex had slept that night without having to worry about Jonathan having an issue.


Karen woke up reading her newspaper and making scrambled eggs. This wasn't morning, actually, they had stayed up so late last night that they slept in until the afternoon. Alex was still in bed sleeping. Then the phone rang, and it was Matt asking Karen if he could drop by for some flour and milk. Karen saw Alex walking into the kitchen grabbing a cup from Karen's cupboard. Karen knew Matt always called for this because he was to lazy to buy it that morning for himself, the five minutes he had to leave for work. So Karen let him come to her house since he did eventually go out to buy himself milk and flour. Alex grabbed her cup of coffee and sat down on the couch next to Karen's cell phone. The cell phone went ' bling' once letting Karen know that someone was texting her. Alex and Karen were best friends. So Alex said, teasing, " Ooo! Matt and you text each other." Karen went over to Alex saying " Alex!" Karen went to grab for her cell phone before Alex texted Matt back. Alex became a tease and ran out of the room to her guest bedroom to text Matt. Karen pounded on the door saying, " Alex, come on.... Let me have my phone back." Alex said, " spoilers! Ooo! He responded!" Karen said," Alex!" Alex said, like she was talking with Matt, " Hello darling." Karen said, " MATT TELL ALEX TO GIVE BACK MY PHONE!" Alex came out of the room laughing because Karen was over reacting. Karen grabbed her phone frustrated. Alex said, " Oh, sweetie. He didn't even talk with me." Karen said, " He did too." Matt had said, "Huh?"
After all that Matt was inside Karen's house grabbing his milk and flour. Alex had her shirt kind of on the side because she borrowed one of Karen's. Karen wore blousy shirts before bed time. Matt saw Alex and said " Hello, Alex." Matt leaned over to Karen saying " Why is she here?" Karen says, leaning over, " because she is. You have an issue with her being here? And why are we whispering?" " Because she's a distraction. Also I know why she's here, just wanted to see if you'd tell me." Says Matt to Karen still bright red in the cheeks. Karen says, loudly, " So! I thought that Matt should take you, Alex, out for lunch. It'll be GOOD for both of you," Karen gives a sharp look towards Matt before he shut the refrigerator door. Alex said, sweetly, " Ok, sounds lovely." Matt mumbles before heading out of the front door, "Yea it's gonna be lovely alright." Alex laughed knowing what Matt was thinking. Matt said, before leaving, " Karen, why doesn't Alex come with us for our evening party." Karen says " Oh yes! That's a fabulous idea. Thanks Matt." " Your welcome," Matt walks out of the room shutting the door behind him while he says this.
Later on in the afternoon Alex and Karen went shopping, so Alex didn't look like a old mother going to a party. Alex still wore her wedding ring to tell men or women that she was married. Matt was dating Lily James from Downton Abbey known as Rose McClare.
Will Matt let one women break him from Alex?

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