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Your POV

I adjust my headphones and get comfortable on my bed. I grab my laptop and power it up, and then open YouTube.

"AGH!" I scream as I fall over.


It's been three hours and what have I done? Watched YouTube. I mean, I know that I need to get up and actually do something, but, it's much easier - and preferred - to just watch videos.

And um, what if I'm using the videos to figure out games I want to play on the channel! See? It's important.

I hop out of bed and look around for something to wear. Damn, no more black shirts are clean...

I pick up my Panic! At The Disco shirt and smell it, it's not too bad, so I shove it in the clothes dryer for a second and then put it on.

As I'm walking to the refrigerator, deciding what to make, it dawns on me. I haven't made a video for my 93,000 subscribers yet! They can't wait too long, so, I'll have to record right after breakfast. I mean, I would skip, but
you know how it is... Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!


I shove the last piece of bacon into my mouth and toss the plate into the sink, then I sprint upstairs. Of course the only time I run is to get to the video games faster....

___ *During The Recording*

"HELLO EVERYONE! MY NAME IS (Chan.), AND WELCOME, TO A VLOG!!" I scream, at the top of my lungs, with all of the energy I possess.

"Today," I start, sneakily, "I have some very important news..."

I grab my phone and pretend to scroll through it, then I look up, "Oh? What's that? You expected me to tell you..?"

I laugh, quite maniacally if I do say so myself, at the camera.

"Okay ya' lovely bunch of people, I'll tell you." I suck in a bunch of air, "I'VE BEEN INVITED TO VIDCONNNNNNN!!!" I scream, words overflowing with excitement.

"So," I wink at the camera, "Hit me up boys ages 24 to 28." I laugh again, this time not on purpose, "Just kidding! I have a boy I'm crushing on already anywho, I probably wouldn't accept your lovely confession of your feelings."

"Anyways, that's it for this short little vlog, SEE ALL YOU, IN THE NEXT VIDEOOO!" I shout, and then switch off the camera.


When I finally finish editing it's about 3 o'clock, so, I decide to text my best friend. She's a bit crazy. She actually lives in another country, so, pretty far from me, in little ol' (h/t).

You: Heyyy
B/F: Oh! Hai!!
You: You coming to VidCon this year?
B/F: Yeah! I come every year you silly girl.
You: Well then... Do I have some news for you.

But... I Think I Love You... (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now