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Your POV

"ARE YOU FUCKIN' READY BROS?" Felix screams as we take our seats next to Cry and Ken.

They all squeal back, in frequencies that I feel like only dogs should be able to hear properly.

"We're taking questions on Twitter from fans globally, not just in this room." Cry explains in his amazing voice, "I suppose we may get some from in here, and we'll be taking your questions at the very end."

I smile at the audience, a few years ago I could've never imagined this, being on stage with the biggest YouTuber and his friends.

"ALRIGHT BITCHES, FIRST QUESTION!" I shout, as loud as I possibly can, "Felix, if you could date (Y/N), Ken, or Cry, who would you choose?"

I smirk, hoping he chooses Cry - because let's be honest, everyone ships Pewdiecry.

If you don't you're just lying to yourself.

"CRY OF COURSE!" He says matter-of-factly, and absorbs Cry into a massive bear hug.

I laugh a bit, and turn to Cry, who decides to read the next question.

"(Y/N), between Felix, Cry, and Ken, can we expect any collabs?" He says louder than his normally quiet self would.

I look around at the fans, most screaming please and telling me who should be first.

"Guys," I say directly to the fans, "I suppose that depends on the boys here."

This, sure enough, caused an uproar.


"Alright! Now we're taking questions from the audience, so, the security will pick a good 10 people to ask!" Ken says.

I can't help but laugh as I'm reminded of elementary school, when all of the kids who knew the answer would raise their hand with a "Me! Me! Me!".

Suddenly, Felix starts humming the Jeopardy theme as we wait.

"First question?"


A little boy looks around, surprised he got chosen in a sea of reckless teenagers.

"I-" he stutters, "I hope you boys don't take offense to this, but, I like (Y/N)'s channel the best. So, my question is for her."

After a series of joking complaints from the boys, I smile and nod to tell him to continue.

"Are you and Markiplier dating? I saw you were staying at his house." He says quietly, shy about the topic, "Oh! Also, are you okay? You haven't uploaded in awhile."

My smile fades a small amount, not enough to see, but, I noticed.

"No," I giggle, "Mark and I are not dating. And I've just been so busy with my first ever VidCon that it's been hard to upload videos."

Although, I knew the last part was a lie.

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