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Your POV

"Thanks..." I mutter as sweetly as possible considering the situation.

I walk out to the back of the taxi and open the trunk, dragging my things out to the sidewalk.

"One  single roo-"

"(Y/N)? (Chan.)?!" I hear behind me.

I wipe my eyes quickly and then turn around, putting on as happy of a face as possible.

As soon as I see him, I freeze. I can't believe he know who I am.

"F-Felix..?" I stutter, shocked that he recognized me solely from the back of my head.

"Yeah!" He chirps, "I thought you were staying with Septiplier?" He giggles out.

I look down to the floor, I can't let him know what Mark said. He'll probably get mad at Mark... And, as annoyed and betrayed as I may feel, Mark is still like a big brother to me. And I love him.

"Uh, yeah. But, some things happened and here I am."


Felix's POV

"Oh..." I say, pretending to get a notification on my phone.

I have to tell Jack, I know he's head over heels for this girl and somehow I feel like if she runs away, she may not get to know it.

But... I Think I Love You... (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now