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Your POV

"Hey!" I half-scream half-giggle as I'm being pulled by the wrist into a taxi. "Where are we even going, Felix?"

I looks at me slyly as he 'brofists' the door shut. This earns him a chuckle and a slight bit of confusion from me, and a glare from the driver.

"Alright. Where ya' off to?" He says in a thick accent, although I'm not quite able to identify what kind.

Felix winks at me jokingly and leans up to the front to whisper the destination.

Just as he sits back down, his phone rings. My heart skips a beat as I see the caller ID. It's Marzia.

While I have a mini-stroke next to him, he answers his phone.

"Hello?" He says, in possibly the most loving, caring voice I've ever heard. I hope one day someone talks to me like that... God, I wish it was Sean...

He says a quick goodbye and an 'I love you' to Marzia before hanging up the phone and dragging me out of the cab.


Sean's POV

It's been a whole day. Not one call. Not one text.

The only update I've had on her is a tweet that her and Felix, also known as the possible-date-stealer, are out shopping.

I click the green icon and begin to compose a message.

Sean: Hey... (Y/N), please come back. I know what Mark said made you angry, and I know I shouldn't have left you in the woods, but please... I need you.

I sigh as I delete the last part. She doesn't like me... And even if she had, she definitely doesn't after what's happened.


Your POV

"Oh my gawd." Felix squeals in the most outrageous voice I've ever heard come from his mouth, "You. Look. FAAABBBULLOOUS."

In all honesty, I know he's trying to act like he's just being himself, but let's be real here. We all know that 'Pewdiepie' and 'Felix' aren't exactly the same.

I really do appreciate it, I mean, he barely knows me, and he's trying his hardest to cheer me up. I wonder if I should say something. I kind of want to meet the 'real' Felix.

But... I Think I Love You... (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang