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Your POV

"Thanks, Felix. I appreciate it." I say, wrapping my arms around him. I hope we become even closer friends.

"So, VidCon is tomorrow, right?" He says. I nod and shoot him a questioning look.

"So..." He started, "I know you were doing a panel with Septiplier, but, if you want, you could join ours too?"


Felix's POV

I know I'm not supposed to invite others onto the panel, but I mean, she's so cool! And I'm sure one person won't hurt.

"Yeah!!" She shouts, obviously excited, "I mean, sure. If it's okay."

What a dork. I laugh a bit and nod, "Of course."


Your POV

I smile and hug Felix. We got back from the mall awhile back, and we've been talking about our - if they still are anyway - friends.

"Hey, (Y/N)," He starts, sounding like he's about to say something that I'll definitely want to hear, "you know that Jack - or, Sean - really likes you. Right?"

I look at him, tilting my head like a dog does when confused, "What do you mean? Of course! He's like one of my best friends."

He sighs, slightly smiling down at the ground, "I shouldn't be fucking telling you this... But, he like likes you."

My eyes widen, my jaw drops, and I sit there stunned.

I can already tell he regrets what he's said, but I suppose it's too late now.


Sean's POV

I fall back onto the couch, sighing. I can't believe it. Mark, as much as I fucking love him, made a really huge mistake.

It's not like he wasn't a fan of her! I mean, that's how they met, is it not? Mark messaged her, not the other way around. I just can't believe she hasn't even bothered to contact me.


Your POV

"But," I stutter, "he's dating Signe."

He chuckles lightly, "And that stops a crush? Or, I mean, love?"

I shake my head, I guess he's right.


I lay in bed, facing the wall, and listening to Felix's breathing. Is he lying to me? Or does Jack really.. like.. me?

Closing my eyes, I squint away the tears that are flowing. Why is everything so fucking confusing..?

But... I Think I Love You... (Jacksepticeye X Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя