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Chapter 2: Tidy Whiteys

Kylie's POV

Grayson Dolan.

Of course I had seen him around school before. He's kind of hard not to miss. He's on the football team, is friends with pretty much the hottest people in our school, and he's popular and once you're in that clique people will definitely talk about you. Wether it be with hate or admiration. Did I ever talk to him? Of course not. I saw no reason to. Also I'm pretty sure he along with his friends wouldn't give me the time of day even if I wanted to.

I stared at him and his father. They both had between green or hazel eyes, brown hair except Grayson had a blonde streak, and the same body build- Andrew was slightly bigger an taller. They had their differences as well. Andrew had aging lines across his face, he was a lot taller and there were very tiny gray hairs sprouting out his head whereas Grayson's face was flawless and he had a strong jawline. Also you could sense that his dad was all round nice person while Grayson was, you know, the opposite.

Students at my school are scared of him. He walks around with a frown on his face with his two best friends at his side like he couldn't give a damn about anything or anyone. There are rumors that go around talking about how he's beaten up freshmen for accidentally bumping into him or for even trying to talk to him. No one that isn't apart of his group of friends will ever try to talk to him unless they really need to. Like I said before, I wouldn't talk to him ever. He's not the type of person I'd want to talk to anyway.

He was on his phone and I couldn't help but feel bored just watching as we all stood there in silence. I looked back at the living room longingly and I could hear the movie still playing. I mentally slapped myself for not pressing pause.

"So guys," my mother chirped up. "Why don't you get acquainted in the living room while Andrew and I discuss some things."

I looked at my mother with wide eyes. Was she kidding? She wanted me, the anti social nerd to go into a room with Grayson Dolan, one of the most popular and jerk-iest guys in our school, so that we could get acquainted? There was no way in hell that I was going to step foot in the same room with him alone. He could get acquainted with the furniture for all I care.

My mother gave me a look and I sighed. I looked at Grayson who was waiting for me and I rolled my eyes. "Come on,"

This is dumb. This is so dumb! Why couldn't I just get a job? It would have been a whole lot better for us, well maybe me. Yeah, sure, the house was a little too quiet, but I could have lived. I could have lived just fine. Besides, my brother would be over during his breaks and the house wouldn't s so quiet.

"As a matter of fact, Kylie, why don't you just show Grayson his room." my mom called just as I was about to step into the living room.

I heaved a deep sigh and turned around marching up the stairs with Grayson behind me. I made it to one of the rooms that was across mine. A "Keep Out" sign was drilled into the door. I reached for the cold doorknob and my breath hitched. It had been almost four years since I stepped foot in my brothers room.

I sat at the edge of my brothers bed as I watched him pack his things for college. He had applied to the University of Guam in order to study Marine Biology. He was going to leave on Saturday which was two days from now and let me just say I wasn't exactly happy about it.

I held Miss Pansy in my hands and looked down at her with a scowl.

My brother must have noticed because he took a seat next to me. "What's wrong Cookie?"

I pouted at the sound of my brother's nickname for me. "Do you have to go?"

I looked up at his blue eyes which showed sadness. "Yes, I have to."

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