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Chapter 6: Beep Beep Beep

Kylie's POV

By the time we had finished eating school was out and I was freaking out, but Ryan seemed completely fine. He calmly drove me back home, turning up the radio, humming along to some of the lyrics while I was twiddling my fingers in my lap. I tried to stop, but I couldn't help it. This was just one of the many things that I did when I was nervous.

I had never missed a single class in my whole middle school and high school career. I had kept a perfect attendance record and now it's shattered. Besides, I have more problems than just my attendance, for example: What would I do if the school called asking why I missed my last three periods? My mom would flip! I'd probably get grounded or something.

I don't think you'll get grounded... I tell myself.

And why not? I argued

Because it's only your first time skipping class.

Right. . . But my mom would still be disappointed in me.

I think she'd be proud. It said. Her hermit of a daughter skipping class to hang with a friend? That's something you don't see at all.

Yeah, whatever...

"Hey," Ryan spoke, turning down the radio. "Are you okay? You seem oddly quiet."

I looked over at him. "I'm fine," I chuckled nervously. "Absolutely fine."

"Are you sure? You don't look like it." he pointed out.

I looked down at my legs which are bobbing up and down rapidly going well together with my twiddling fingers and the heat I feel at the back of my head. I have many symptoms from nervousness and they really make me uncomfortable. I probably look like a weirdo. A weirdo on weird drugs. Drugs filled with chemicals that make you super nervous.

"Okay, maybe I'm not fine!" I admitted.

"Okay," he nodded. "What's wrong?"

"We missed the last three periods of school! That's what's wrong!" I shouted. "I mean, obviously you don't care about ditching classes, but I do. And my mom is probably going to freak when she finds out and I'm going to be in huge trouble. She's probably going to ground me or worse!"

He glanced at me then looks back at the road. At first it seemed like he didn't know what he was going to say and I was slightly glad but then he laughed. He laughed so hard I swear he was tearing!

"This isn't funny, Ryan!" I yelled, slapping his arm.

"Actually... it... is." He said between laughs.

"No it's not!" I shouted. "And may I just ask; how exactly do you do it?! You can't possibly be able to skip school all the time and not get caught."

He chuckled. "It's called having connections, my goody two shoed friend."

I rolled my eyes at him. "Good for you, but one of these days your connections aren't going to be around."

"Oh trust me," he smirked. "They will."

He pulled into my driveway and I was glad to see it empty. A sigh of relief flowed out of my mouth. No mom to question my day and no Grayson to see Ryan.

"I need your keys," he stated, holding out his palm.

"For what?"

"To get your jeep back here, duh." He rolled, his eyes.

I handed him my car keys. "I'll see you later," I told him and he nodded me his goodbye.

I stepped out of Ryan's car and closed the door, my phone went off. I waved him off  when honked, driving away.

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