t w e n t y t w o

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Chapter 22: Jake Day, Jake Date

Kylie's POV

Today was the day.

After how many days of long interrogations, crucial planning, misunderstood phone calls, and late nights online, I finally had the perfect date planned out for Jake. I only hoped everything went according to schedule and that he'd be as happy as I was when I went through it in my head.

I pulled into his driveway Saturday morning with juice boxes and a picnic basket full of breakfast foods in the backseat of my car and a blindfold sitting in the passenger seat.

Once I killed the engine, I hopped out of the vehicle then shuffled on over to his front door, knocking just hard enough so that they'd here me. A few moments later, Lacey opened the door and a huge, toothless grin spread across her face and I opened my arms out for a hug.

"Kylie!" She squealed, jumping into my arms and wrapping hers around me tightly. "It's been forever!"

It had been a while since I had seen the little angel in my arms and I had actually begun to miss her cuteness. Jake had mentioned numerous times during the last week of school how his sister was practically begging him to drag me to their house so that we could watch cartoons and play princesses with each other. He also said it had gotten to the point where she had begged their mom to drive to my house just so Lacey could see me. Unfortunately for her, her mom did not know where I lived.

"It has, hasn't it?" I laughed, setting her down. "Is Jake awake?"

"Nope," she said with a little hop. "Everyone except me always sleeps like a pig during the weekend."

"So you're the only one awake?" I asked the little girl as she pulled my hand for me to follow her inside.

"Mhmm," she hummed. We stopped before the family room and kitchen which were directly across from each other and I asked her wether or not she had eaten breakfast and if she was hungry. "Just a little," she replied. "I was going to eat cereal, but I can't reach the box."

"I can make it for you," I said, picking her up. "And if you don't mind, I'm going to wake up Jakey afterwards."

She shook her head. "I don't mind."

"Also, the next time you're awake by yourself, don't open the door. Wake up your mommy or your brothers. We wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you, okay?"

She pouted at me. "Okay."

After placing her on the dining room table, I used my memory from when I was here last to pull out a bowl and spoon for her. I filled the pink princess bowl up with Fruity Pebbles and milk before placing it down in front of her.

"Thank you," she grinned before stuffing her face. "I'm gonna eat in the family room."

"And I'm going to wake up your brother."

"Okey dokey." She piped up, wobbling towards the family room with her bowl.

I began my march up the stairs towards Jake's room, looking at the pictures which hung along the walls. Most of them were of Jake, Johnny, and Lacey either as babies and toddlers. There were a few of them from just a few years ago up to now like school pictures and such. Jake's mother was in a few too along with an elderly couple and grouped family pictures. There was one picture in particular that had caught my eye. It was Jake, Johnny and Lacey, their mom and a man whom I had never seen before, sitting on grass in spring clothing, a bright blue sky behind them. They all looked happy, like no one in the world could rain on their parade.

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