e i g h t e e n (part 1)

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Chapter 18: Drunken Mishaps: Part 1

I stared down at the pool from the top of the diving board, my heart racing anxiously. It was empty sewing as everyone else got out just to see me fail at life. Fail at all possible means of being alive!

I'm going to die! Goodbye cruel, cruel world! Goodbye Jake, Cameron, Madeleine, Jane, Leo, Mom, Kyle, Andrew, and even Grayson! Today is the day that Kylie Bennett--

"Anyday now!" Mitch Maxwell hollered from down below in his little DJ booth.

I sighed, thinking to myself. This is for Jake. I need the people to help me find him so that I can tell Jim how sorry I am. He has to know the truth.

I lifted my red solo cup in the air and took one more big gulp of the punch before I threw it behind me, took one last look into the water and dived into the water that had been taunting me since I got to the top of the board.

My head resurfaced  from under the water and then crowds of my classmates and peers cheered louder and louder. Like a pack of wild animals, they hooted and hollered.

Suddenly I loved the attention that I was getting and I screamed with them forgetting about my main goal. "Get in the pool!" I yelled, then a fit of laughter followed after.

"Only if you take off your clothes!" Some guy in the crowd shouted, cheers followed after.

I beamed up at the people. The people who had been great supporters of my Great Pool Diving Adventure. They deserved it. They deserved all the things they wanted in the world and I would make sure to give it to them.

"Anything for my fans!" I cheered, reaching for the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head revealing the white bikini top.

"Kylie! Kylie! Kylie! Kylie! Kylie! Kylie!" I bathed in the satisfaction of the ongoing chants that encouraged me to keep going. I reached for the button of my shorts.


12 Hours Earlier


I jumped in my seat when two hands grabbed me from either side. I slammed my hands on the table in the process gaining looks from a group of girls passing by. I watched them as they walked away, whispering to each other, glancing back at me every once in a while.

It had been almost two full weeks since the incident with Madison- and since Jake and I became an actual thing, -but who's really counting - and each day more and more people keep finding their eyes on me and then they mutter to their friends about whatever idiotic rumors they've heard about. Yeah... those have been going around too. There's actually a long list; some are true, most are huge attention seeking lies.

For example:

Kylie Bennett, the dorky nerd is actually dating Jake Bryant. True.

Kylie Bennett is a wannabe, man stealing, spotlight seeker. False. If anyone knew me, I was then exact opposite of an attention seeker and I never stole anyone's man.

Kylie Bennett is a bookworm, geek, and nerd all in one. True, and I take no shame in it.

Kylie Bennett pretends to be a very reserved person, but at night she becomes a wild partying beast. I would say false, but you've never seen me dance in my PJs on a Friday night.

But of course the list gets worse:

She's a slut.

A whore.

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