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Chapter 20: Savages and Secrets


I stared at Grayson's back, hiding from behind my bedroom door with just my head peaking out.


He turned around, facing me with his signature frown. "What?" He hissed.

I put a finger to my lips motioning for him to be quiet. I glanced towards both ends of the hallway before pulling him into the safety of my room.

"Did you find out what their plan is?"

He shook his head in confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? Who's plan?"

"Our parents!" I whispered/yelled at him. "Your dad and my mom."

Grayson stared at me like I was crazy before laughing with his head tilting back. "You're being paranoid. They don't have any plans for us."

"You see, that's what I thought too until I saw them giggling and whispering to each other like a bunch of gossiping girls."

For the past few weeks, whenever I was home and Andrew and my mom weren't at work,  I would catch them having quiet conversations, leaning and whispering into each other's ears. At first ignored it, but the more it continued the more I grew suspicious. I had tried listening in on their whispers, but each time I would either get caught (hiding in the pantry wasn't my best idea) or they were too quiet for me to hear them. Despite that they were everywhere I went in the house, I could not get any details. Grayson may be right, I may be paranoid, but I have the right to be. If anything deals with Grayson I have the right to be scared out of my mind because me and Grayson could literally kill each other.

Right now doesn't count because I need him alive in order for us to find out our dooms. I'll kill him later though.

He looked at me, seeming like he was at a lost for words. His eyes were wide and his mouth was left open. I slowly nodded, thanking the lord that he finally understood until he spoke and I found myself facepalming internally.

"My dad giggled?"

I gave him a loud and long groan. "That's not the point!"

"Then what is?" He asked, taking the liberty of making himself at home by plopping himself on my bed.

I frowned down at him, folding my arms. "Would you get off my bed? I do not want your germs on my place of comfort."

He smirked. "Are you going to be the one to get me off?"

I eyed him. "And risk getting the disease that makes you your ugly self? No thanks."

"I," he started, sitting up. "Am a stunning and rather radiant looking specimen."

I rolled my eyes. "And I'm the Queen of England."

He snickered, without showing any evidence that he was humored. "Who on earth would make you their queen?"

"All the people that love me." I stated blatantly. "Now shut your mouth hole, we're getting off topic!"

"You shut your mouth hole." He muttered under his breath.

I paced my room, thinking of all the possibilities they could have in store for us. For instance, locking us in a room without any connections to the outside world, and then our rations of food and water would probably run out and we'd have nothing to do but stare at each other until we rip each other's throats and convert to--- bad idea, bad idea!

Maybe they could be nice and let us go on a vacation with just the two of us where we'd have to use teamwork and rational ideas to survive the trip. I, of course, would have to be the logical one, saving money for food, supplies, and whatnot seeing as Grayson would probably be that one idiot who would spend our only amount of money on irrational things. Unless I could ditch him and vacay by myself; seems like the best way to enjoy a vacation, but then again I would probably need him to save my life. But then again I could save myself. But then again---- okay, okay another somewhat bad idea!

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